Summary of Final Oral Presentation 2006-2007

禅による「悟り」: 黙庵の「四睡図」における三幅対の崩壊 Enlightenment According to Zen: Collapsing the Triptych in Mokuan's Four Sleepers

Talia Andrei (Columbia University)


This presentation will explore images of the mischievous Zen eccentrics, Kanzan, Jittoku, and Bukan, focusing on an unusual painting by Mokuan Reien that illustrates the popular motif of the Four Sleepers-the three monks with their pet tiger immersed in sleep, a metaphor for the enlightened mind overcoming the temporal world. I will argue that Mokuan, in order to convey the Zen ideal that distinctions vanish in enlightenment, collapses the traditional Buddhist triptych and illustrates the figures locked in embrace on one scroll, with Bukan/Amitabha in the center flanked by Kanzan/Manjusri and Jittoku/Samantabhadra. This figural arrangement of the unkempt, impious monks, I will argue, represents them in their dual role as Buddha and bodhisattvas on the one hand and impish rogues who achieved enlightenment in their own unorthodox way on the other.

インド人向け日本語教育 Teaching Japan Language for Indian Engineers

Ramya Balaji (University of Madras)


The aim of this project is to design Japanese language and culture courses for Indians preparing for travel to Japan for professional engagements. In order to meet this target following activities were considered: 1)Creation of questionnaire for Indians with work experience in Japan and Japanese who have worked with Indian nationals, 2)Analysis of Questionnaire, 3)Design and evaluation of appropriate Business Language courses based on analysis results. This being an ongoing project, this presentation aims to cover the analysis result of the above-mentioned questionnaires and the respondent's general expectation of Business Language course that will facilitate more efficient business/workplace interaction between Indians and Japanese.

ICTによる国際開発協力:JICAの遠隔教育への取り組みを事例として ICT's Contribution to International Development: JICA's Distance Education Approach

Harvey Beasley(Indiana University)

JICA(独立行政法人国際協力機構)では、近年、先端の通信技術を活かして日本の国際協力の効果をさらに堅固なものにしようとしている。2002年に発足したJICA-NETは現在52ヶ国に上る途上国に遠隔技術協力をしており、遠隔講義をはじめとして、マルチメディア教材、WBT (インターネット上の研修)、TV会議等でJICAの国際協力活動を補完している。しかし、まだ遠隔技術協力についての理解が進んでいないため、JICA-NETの可能性を最大限に引き出せていないのが現状だ。本発表ではこのJICA-NETの活動概要、現在直面している課題、今後の展望について述べる。

JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) has implemented the latest in information communications technology (ICT) to increase the effectiveness of their efforts to aid developing countries. This initiative, known as JICA-NET started in 2002 and currently is capable of providing distance technical assistance to more than 52 developing countries in the form of distance lecture and seminars, multimedia contents, WBT(Web Based Training), and video conferencing. However because the potential of ICT assisted aid is not yet fully understood, the reality is that JICA-NET's full potential has yet to be realized. This presentation will introduce the JICA-NET concept, and discuss challenges the program is now facing, and possible solutions for improvement in the future.

なぜ日本アニメは外国人を惹きつけるのか The Appeal of Japanese Animation to Foreign Audiences

Robert Bingham(Ohio State University)


In recent years, it has been increasingly pointed out that Japanese anime is attracting the attention of young people worldwide. While the number of foreigners drawn to anime is increasing, they may not yet truly be as numerous as has been suggested. I would like to look at the true current state of anime fandom in the United States, as well as how it has reached this point. In particular, I would like to look at such topics as why American anime fans prefer Japanese animation to American animation, and what it is that American fans find fascinating about anime.

性非行少年の心理 The Psychology of Juvenile Sex Offenders

Joseph Brantley(Indiana University)


The topic of juvenile crime in Japan has been a hot topic in various forums over the past ten years. Unfortunately, in regards to sexual crimes committed by juveniles, the topic rarely goes beyond enjo kosai. Contrary to what one might expect, a substantially large proportion of rapes and so-called obscene acts in Japan are committed by juveniles. This presentation will begin by describing the current state of juvenile sex crimes in Japan, the psychology of juvenile sex offenders, and end by discussing several ways of preventing this trend.

「Sambo」は「サンボ」なのか:日本におけるちびくろサンボ像 Is "Sambo" "サンボ"?: The Representation of Sambo in Japan


出産 Birth

Emily Burke(University of Oregon)


Do people ever think, "How are human beings born into the world"? What is birth really? In countries all over the world people, that is to say women, have safely given birth to children since time immemorial. However, due to the swift development of medical technology, ancient wisdom and consciousness regarding birth has quickly diminished. Exactly in what way has the concept of birth come to be regarded? Inarguably, medical advancements are of great value to humans, and can be very important during times of illness and injury. However, though a normal pregnancy and birth is not itself an illness, why in the world has birth come to be treated as though it is? How has this trend played out differently in America and Japan?

ライブドア事件:その会計処理 The Accounting Methods of the Live Door Incident

Richard Castle(University of California, Berkeley)


They say hindsight is twenty-twenty. Before deciding on the topic of this presentation, I was searching for a job and had not the slightest Idea of what I wanted to research. I finally succeeded in landing a job with an auditing company; however, I knew nothing about accounting. At this point, I decided that to the best of my ability, I should utilize in my presentation, the words and concepts that I would be working with in my future workplace. With this in mind, I chose the infamous Livedoor as the topic of my presentation. What I would like to shed light on in this presentation is, specifically, how the management at Livedoor used deceptive accounting practices to "cook their books". I will focus on points that did not appear in the press, such as numerical information and the role of individuals involved in the scandal.

特許侵害における賠償金算定はなぜ必要か Patent Infringement and the Determination of Damages

Daniel Copps(DePaul University)


The increasing frequency with which patent infringement litigation is undertaken, and the seemingly limitless extent of damages awarded thereto, elucidates the growing significance of intangible asset management to the business organization of the twenty-first century. The emergence of the empowered individual inventor, the controversial success of the patent license enforcement company (“PLEC”), or “patent troll,” and the otherwise general increase in the liquidity of intangible assets, suggest that patent litigation is no longer limited as a means of preserving a competitive advantage. Ultimately, the Court's proclivity to enforce asserted intellectual property rights challenges the once-unthinkable premise that even Brobdingnagian corporations are not vulnerable to an individual. For these companies, the mitigation of intellectual property risk should therefore be considered essential.

日本での英語教育 English Education in Japan

Matthew Dunn(University of Washington)


Does Japan have a coherent policy on English language education, and if so, is the policy adequate or should it be revised? For example, there is a movement to introduce early-childhood language education into Japanese grade schools as a means of making people truly proficient in foreign languages. Those who favor such a measure are currently trying to make foreign language education (particularly English) a required subject from kindergarten onwards. On the other hand there are many who assert that grade school is the proper time for children to master their mother tongue, and that mandatory foreign language education would interfere with that process. They favor starting foreign language education once children enter middle school, in other words, after they have theoretically mastered Japanese. Additionally, there are even those who favor eliminating any sort of mandatory foreign language education from Japanese schools.

メタボリズム:60年代日本前衛建築 Metabolism: Japanese Avant-Garde Architecture in the Sixties

Nathan Elchert(Yale University)

メタボリズムという、建物における成長や新陳代謝を訴える建築運動は1960年に日本で台頭し、世界的な注目を浴びた。黒川紀章はこの運動のメンバーの一人で、彼が創造した「カプセル建築」は70年の時代精神を忠実に反映し、メタボリズム建築の代名詞となった。果たして、そもそもメタボリズム理論とカプセル建築は同じものなのか? グループの初期の文章を踏まえ、両者の関係性を検討する。

Metabolism, a theory of architecture that emphasizes growth and renewal, made its debut in Japan in 1960 and garnered the attention of designers across the globe. Architect Kisho Kurokawa was among the founding members of the movement. The "capsule architecture" of his invention deftly captured the spirit of the times in the late 60s and is today understood as the representative example of Metabolist architecture. But did Kurokawa's capsules indeed reflect the original essence of the Metabolism movement? I will address this question by examining the original Metabolist manifesto as well as the circumstances under which the Metabolist group was founded.

日本におけるNPOの誕生と発展 The Origin and Development of Japanese NPOs

Emily Farrow(Brown University)


Non-profit organizations (NPO's) play an important role in countries all over the world, providing valuable public and civil services. In Japan, these organizations are just developing, and face challenges that impede their full potential. This presentation will explain the current situation of NPO's in Japan. Beginning with an explanation of the organizations and their potential role, I will briefly touch on applicable historical background and recent developments. Then, focusing on the growth of non-profits from the 1990's to the present, I will explore their current situation, challenges and potential solutions.

天、地とその他の世界:古事記と日本の古代世界像 Heaven, Earth and a Bunch of Other Places: The Kojiki and Ancient Japanese Worldviews

Joshua Frydman(Yale University)


The Kojiki, or Record of Ancient Matters, written in 712, is the earliest work in Japanese. A collection of myths phrased as official history, the Kojiki offers invaluable insight into the world as the people of the early Nara Period imagined it. In addition to explaining the myth cycles behind the major Shinto deities, and giving descriptions of the founding of the Imperial Line, the Kojiki also presents the earliest glimpse of the way the ancient Japanese perceived the world and its construction in their own words. Moreover, this worldview permeates later Japanese literature, forming a basis for Shinto elements that are still present in literary forms through the modern day. In this talk, I will describe the worldview outlined in the Kojiki, and in addition to its importance, elaborate on its continued effect on the Japanese literary tradition.

平安中期における安倍清明と岡野玲子版『陰陽師』 Mid-Heian Japan's Abe no Seimei and Okano Reiko's Onmyouji

William Garrahan(Harvard University)


Until rather recently Japan had been in the grip of something of an Abe no Seimei boom: short stories, comics, movies, and various other forms of drama featured the famous Heian-period onmyouji more or less as a superhuman magician, capable of a range of phenomenal proficiencies, from the slaying a frog with a single tree leaf to the repelling, with a frenetic dance, the malevolent shade of a maligned aristocrat from Japan's Capital of Peace and Tranquility. Not surprisingly this depiction is at odds with what we know of his historical personage. Various attempts by scholars both domestically and abroad have been made to reconcile, or to compare, the fictional image of Seimei with what we know about him from extant historical material: another such comparison is not needed. Nevertheless, the issue of why certain artists, such as Okano Reiko, have chosen to depict the historical Master of Divination Abe no Haruaki as the contemporary Magician Abe no Seimei remains elusive. While the choice of a historical setting is not arbitrary, the search for historical accuracy in works such as Okano's Onmyouji is, ultimately, folly; what should concern us is what people do with the image of Seimei that they receive and why it is important for them to see onmyouji as they do, that is, as (occasionally) violent magicians.

雅楽と現代の音楽 Gagaku and Modern Music

Dylan Greason-Nickolich(Lewis and Clark College)


Gagaku is one type of Japanese traditional music, which during the Meiji period became widely available to the general public. However, many people consider Gagaku to be 'old fashioned' and entirely separate from modern music. When comparing Gagaku's place in society with that of modern music's, one is will not only find differences, but also similarities. In other words, both Gagaku and modern music, as 'mass culture' reflects the trends of the periods in which they exist. In this presentation, I would first like to examine what role Gagaku held, and how it exists as a type of mass culture today. Lastly, I would like to talk about what sort of relationship Gagaku has with modern music, and how it influences it.

日本とアメリカの対中姿勢 A Brief Overview of U.S. and Japanese Policy Priorities toward China


言葉と意味の関係 Words and Meaning

Nathan Hill(Harvard University)


The relationship between words and meaning has been much discussed in the history of philosophy. Here, I present the understandings of Plato, de Sausssure, and Wittegenstein. According to Plato words directly refer to their respective objects. In contrast, Saussure contends that there is no direct links between things and words; words receive their meaning in relation to other words within a language. Wittgenstein further holds that "meaning" is nothing more than the use of words. Meaning and understanding are determined by the rules of a "language game."

アーカイブを越える記憶:視覚的資料に関する過去の利用 Memory Beyond the Archive: Historiographical Problems Concerning Visual Sources and the Uses of the Past

Franz D. Hofer(Cornell University)


In Japan, as in any other country, the 'ghosts of the past' exert a powerful influence upon the present. Be it the Yasukuni issue or the question of constitutional revision, the past remains very much a present concern. With this presentation, I take up the notion of traumatic memory. However, at the level of collective memory, the commemoration of certain traumatic events sometimes has the tendency to eclipse the memory of other deeds. In order to shed light on this tendency, I will look briefly at how events of the Asia-Pacific War have been represented in current middle-school history textbooks, as well as in Kobayashi Yoshinori's 1998 manga entitled On War. In order to probe the limits of representation, I intend to examine issues related to visual sources such as manga, art, and film. After having gestured toward a few of the problems inherent in representation, I intend to briefly address the related issue of 'historical responsibility' as it pertains to both individual and state responsibility vis-a-vis the representation and commemoration of the Asia-Pacific War.

前近代における「女性の力」の操作としてシャーマニズム Shamanism and Female Power in Pre-modern Japan

Dunja Jelesijevic(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)


It is a commonly assumed that pre-modern Japanese women were deprived of authority and had little influence within the socio-political realm. On the other hand, some pre-modern texts stress the shamanistic activities of women and thereby suggest that females held a prominent role in the socio-political sphere. The intention of this paper is to explore the relationship between the pre-modern woman as a religious ritualist and the pre-modern woman as a socio-political figure of power. In so doing, we can better understand the perception of women in pre-modern Japan. I contend that the woman's role in the socio-political context directly corresponds to the religious power that she exercises as a shamanistic figure and is based on the concepts of purity and impurity developed in the pre-modern Shinto tradition.

横浜中華街と神戸南京町の歴史 History and Development of the Chinatowns in Yokohama and Kobe

Nadia Kanagawa(Yale University)


Yokohama and Kobe are famous for being among the first five Japanese ports opened to international trade. Naturally, they have much in common: both were opened in 1868, both grew from tiny villages to large and cosmopolitan cities, both suffered incredible suffering and destruction from war and natural disasters. Furthermore, they are both known for the Chinatowns that have flourished in or near their old foreign concessions. For all their similarities, the history and development of these two Chinatowns have followed remarkably divergent paths. In this presentation, I will point out some of the differences in the current Yokohama and Kobe Chinatowns and examine how they reveal differences in the history of these two cultural crossroads.

九鬼周造と「偶然」を哲学する Thinking Contingency with Kuki Shuzo

Joseph Kaneko(Brown University)


It is not uncommon to think of the experience of "fate" as the experience of an inevitable change in the course of one's life. In other words, to experience fate is to experience necessity. However, in his The Problem of Contingency (1935), Kuki Shuzo presents a theory of fate based on chance and contingency. Indeed, The Problem of Contingency is nothing less than Kuki's attempt to demonstrate the preeminence of contingency over necessity. In this presentation, we will explore Kuki's thought of a fate produced by contingency.

戦前の大連における阿片貿易で苦力が果たした役割 Coolies and the Opium Trade in Dairen, 1905-1945

Miriam Kingsberg(University of California, Berkeley)


My presentation seeks to position the large coolie population of the city of Dairen (now Dalian) with regard to the prewar Japanese-directed narcotics trade in Manchuria. During the period of Japanese rule (1905-1945), Dairen functioned not only as a symbol of imperial modernity, but also as the center of a flourishing trade in smuggled goods, particularly opiates. Various branches of the imperial authority directed and profited the trade, which targeted Chinese coolies as consumers. Many scholars have examined the ways in which the laboring population was exploited by opiates. Although I do not disagree that the coolies were the primary "victims" of the drug trade, I attempt to nuance this depiction by demonstrating that certain characteristics of Dairen's unskilled labor employment system also enabled many coolies to profit financially from the distribution of opiates. The opium trade sustained itself not through pure exploitation of the unskilled laborer population, but through careful co-optation of those elevated to management roles.

日の丸のポートレート:国家と戦後の美術 Portraits of the Sun: Art and Nation in the Postwar

Namiko Kunimoto(University of California, Berkeley)


This presentation will briefly address the state of art in Japan in the immediate post war period (1952-1957) with particular attention to the Gutai Art Association, a productive conglomerate of artists from the Kansai area. The diverse array of painting and performance art produced by the Gutai group has often been compared to American Abstract Expressionism, but this overshadowing comparison is tethered to the ever-loaded question of influence. Rather than debate this binary, I will briefly examine some of the larger issues of nationhood and subjectivity at play in the art of the Gutai group. Considering the anxiety and instability of Japan at the time, why did performance art suddenly take the avant-garde stage? Did Gutai performance art bear any relation to new ways of conceptualizing the body, representation and the state? Some possible frameworks for these multivalent issues will be discussed.

「平家物語」の諸本における敦盛説話 The Tale of Atsumori in Heike Monogatari Variant Texts

Ashton Lazarus(Tufts University)


There are more than 100 variant texts of Heike Monogatari. Differences between these variants can be found not only in specific word usage, but also literary style and narrative structure, as well as portrayals of characters. Focusing primarily on the story of Atsumori, I will consider such differences as seen in three variant texts: the Kakuichibon, the Enkyobon, and the Seisuiki. Taking into account relevant historical documents, I will then explore the issue of what Heike Monogatari reveals about the social context of both the time period in which it was created and the time period it chronicles.

現世利益と悟りの追求:求聞持法の解釈 Gumonjiho: The Spiritual Enhancement of Memory

Jesse LeFebvre(University of Hawaii)


Within academia, religion has come to be classified by the opposing notions surrounding "elite" religion defined by scriptures, philosophy, doctrine, enlightenment, and "popular" religion defined by miracles, religious experience, worldly benefits, fortune-telling. However, it is unlikely that this sort of opposition accurately portrays the true nature of religion. This presentation will be an analysis of the "zo-mitsu" meditation called gumonjiho and will serve as a re-examination of the divide between elite/popular religion. Beginning by introducing the main deity of the ritual, Kokuzo Bosatsu (Akashagarbha), the contents of the ritual shall receive explanation. Furthermore, while bearing in mind the significance of such things as "worldly benefits" and miracles, an examination of the gumonjiho's historical development will be undertaken. In particular, special attention will be given to "elite" practitioners and their simultaneous pursuit of worldly benefits and enlightenment.

大戦中日系人収容者の川柳:サンタフェ高原吟社(1943-1945) Japanese-American Internee Senryu: Santa Fe Kogen Ginsha(1943-1945)

Andrew Leong(University of California, Berkeley)


Kogen Ginsha (1943-1945) was a senryu poetry group formed by internees in the Santa Fe Internment Camp. The thousands of 5-7-5 mora senryu written and collected by Kogen Ginsha describe the conditions of the camp and the feelings of the internee poets. Even though the members of Kogen Ginsha were confined in an internment camp, through senryu, they were able to form a sense of community. Senryu were a way to reflect on daily conditions "within the fence" and the "world outside." In this presentation, I will present some example senryu to illustrate some of the viewpoints of Kogen Ginsha members. I will conclude by talking about some of the problems that remain in studying and interpreting the poems.

日本の会計制度に見る「なれ合い」: カネボウ粉飾決算事件を例に Collusion and fraud in Japan's Accounting System

Esther Ling(University of Michigan)


Within the last decade or so, the role of accounting in Japan's economy has become highly prominent. Through that process of change, the weaknesses of Japan's accounting system have also become apparent. The controversy that has stood out the most is an issue that has unfortunately become common in both the US and in Japan - accounting fraud and collusion. Through this presentation, by using the example of Kanebo, I would like to describe how the role of accounting has changed in Japan and why that environment has been conducive to fraud. Accounting is the language of business, and to understand that importance is essential in today's society.

茶道と柔道の思想の比較:「一期一会」と「自他共栄」 A Comparative Study of Thought in Tea Ceremony and Judo

David McFall(University of Hawaii)


Ii Naosuke, senior counselor to the Tokugawa shogunate at the end of the Edo period, immersed himself in the Japanese arts, particularly tea ceremony. Before his assassination, he completed the tea treatise A Compilation of Singular Meetings. Due to this work, the phrase "Once in a Lifetime Meeting" (lit. "One Time, One Meeting") gained popularity. However, as a result of the spread of this phrase over Japanese society, the expression have become trite and power of the meaning has become 'watered down'. On the other hand, the words of judo's founder Kano Jigoro, "You and I Mutually Prosper" have not enjoyed much popularity outside of judo circles. Kano Jigoro created Kodokan Judo by adopting methods from different schools of jujitsu. Moreover, by training under the motto "You and I Mutually Prosper" the spirit of the martial arts was revived. Ultimately, the application of both "One time, One Meeting" and "You and I Mutually Prosper" are not restricted to where one trains in the arts or martial arts, but rather, these phrases can be applied in society both to the relationship between individuals and to the relationship between individuals and society. This will be the subject of my presentation.

日本、中国、アメリカ(デラウェア州)の法人形態の比較 Comparison of Legal Entities Available in Japan, China and the U.S. (Delaware)

R. Shane McNamara(Washington University, St. Louis)

Many different structures exist for the formation of business entities. Furthermore, while similarities exist between available structures in Japan, the U.S. and China, many differences exist between them as well. My speech provides a brief introduction to the available structures for business entities in Japan, the U.S., and China, and provides some basic discussion of the similarities and differences between them. My research for this speech, as well as subsequent research I have conducted, has also included historical background as well as statistical information and speculative theory regarding the origins behind and reasons for the similarities and differences.

愛の鞭:教育や躾手段としての体罰などに関する意見 The Whip of Love: Opinions Regarding Corporal Punishment as Educational Tool and Disciplinary Device

Aaron Miller(University of Oxford)


My research revolves around the discourse and practice of taibatsu (corporal punishment) in the world of Japanese amateur sports, especially high school baseball. This presentation relies on literature (books, magazines and newspaper articles in both Japanese and English) rather than anthropological fieldwork and steers clear of the normative debate which a controversial issue such as taibatsu often elicits. Considering the subject from a Weberian sociological perspective and following disciplinary custom of participant-observation based fieldwork, this presentation constitutes the preliminary textual analysis necessary for such an undertaking. It is for this reason that this research will unfortunately not engage coaching practice so much as raise the question as to what people in Japan themselves believe concerning educational techniques such as taibatsu. In particular I will consider the myriad opinions and justifications for and against the use of taibatsu and focus on why, how and with what words people in Japan argue that taibatsu is a useful tool of instruction, discipline, and even describe it as "ai no muchi", the "whip of love".

言語変化に対する日本人の意識調査 Japanese Native Speaker's Level of Awareness About Language Change

Timothy Miller(Ohio State University)


Have you ever wondered how aware people are about changes in their own native language? In this research, I examined a Japanese language change phenomenon that is currently occurring, and surveyed native Japanese speakers about their awareness of this change. The Japanese verb 'chigau' (to differ) has begun to be used as if it were an adjective, producing forms such as 'chigakute' and 'chigakunai'. While many would disregard this as just a fad, the fact that these forms are being used by older adults and that these forms are appearing even in popular music lyrics suggests that this language change may become an established language pattern. In this presentation, I will discuss the background behind the change of 'chigau' from verb to adjective, and then I will examine the results of the survey in order to consider how Japanese native speakers view this change in their language.

天ぷら油は地球環境を救うのか?:バイオ燃料実用化の取り組みと課題 Will Cooking Oil Save the Earth?: Efforts to Implement Biofuels and the Issues Therein

Tyler Morrison(Washington and Lee University)


As present-day society continues to be over-dependent on fossil fuels, we are in desperate need some sort of solution. Partially as a result of this year's State of the Union Address, in which President Bush stated his goal to increase the use of alternative fuel sources, research into ethanol has become more fervent than ever. However, while corn ethanol might temporarily contribute to the easing of the energy problem, such an inefficiently produced fuel that relies on huge expanses of farm land will never constitute the final solution. Consequently, biomass fuels that can be economically produced from various waste-materials or hardy grasses that grow on agriculturally-marginal land have recently been drawing people's attention. For example, in Kyoto, they are experimentally using post-consumer cooking oil to run their city buses. Although cost-efficiency problems are gradually lessening, all Biofuels must still overcome this hurdle. And yet, the potential for its widespread use is growing. Could it be that Tempura oil will save the environment?

スタジオジブリのアニメ映画の中における自然のイメージ Depiction of Nature in the Films of Studio Ghibli

Eija Niskanen(University of Wisconsin)


The image of Ghibli is that of a studio which protects nature. In Ghibli films the characters are drawn against the beautiful scenery. As critics often point out in Ghibli films from Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind to Spirited Away, pollution is a recurring theme. And Ghibli films take influence from emaki, animals, ranging from traditional animals such as tanuki that are often depicted in Japanese art and folk tales, to imaginary animals like Totoro, are prevalent. However, as Hayao Miyazaki has pointed out, in Ghibli films the relationship between humans and nature is complicated. Can Ghibli films also be seen as reflecting nostalgia towards the rural past? In my talk I will study nature as seen by Studio Ghibli.

日本における蚕種改良 The Development of new silkworm varieties in Japan at the turn of the 20th century


源氏物語:絵とテキストを心的遠近法で読み解く The Tale of Genji: Perspective of the Heart in Text and Emaki

Joannah Peterson(Indiana University)


The current research is a close examination of psychological perspective in The Tale of Genji text and emaki. Psychological perspective as defined by Takahashi Toru involves the shifting viewpoint of a 'seeing' subject in an out of the 'seen' fictional world. In other words, perspective in The Tale of Genji is not merely static, but a dynamic presence moving through a multi-layered construction. Furthermore, the location of this viewpoint is made clear by the existence or nonexistence of honorific verb-endings and auxiliary verbs. Specifically, I will be exploring narrative perspective in the Yadorigi chapter of the text as well as the corresponding emaki and accompanying foreword. There within we find the role of the lady in waiting, not only in narration but also as an active participant in the act of kaimami, or peeping through the fence. Could it be that in this analysis of the lady in waiting we've found the eyes and ears of The Tale of Genji?

明治女学生の組織と団体 Student Organizations and Meiji Girls' Higher Schools


現代日本の若者の性行動:十代の性行動の現状と社会の認識 Japan's Youth of Today: Sexuality and Society

John Schneiderwind(University of Kansas)


When considering societal problems in post-war Japan, the issue of teen sexual behavior is inevitably broached. Certainly, among Japanese teens the noticeable increase in participants in "compensated dating" and the sex-based industry combined with the rising rates of sexually transmitted diseases and abortions offer support for this claim. This presentation, then, will analyze the seemingly rapid decline in teenage sex-based morals and consider where the questions of origin and responsibility lie, be it from the lack of proper sexual education, mass communication, or parents that turn a blind eye to their children's behavior. Finally, I hope to analyze and offer my own insights on proposed methods designed to improve the status of teenage sexual behavior in the future.

モテオヤジの作られ方:雑誌が提供するライフスタイルと消費の関係 The Making of a Middle-Aged Dandy: Lifestyle as Presented by Magazines and its Relationship with Consumerism

Samuel Schumacker(Occidental College)


Consumerism is a strong influence on modern society. Mass media, particularly popular magazines, plays a role in supporting this influence. Within the pages of such magazines, products and methods of consumption are introduced to readers as part of a particular “lifestyle.” So, what is to be made of the relationship between those who read the magazines、the articles themselves, and the products they introduce? In this research, I examined three distinctive magazines and their respective lifestyles.

IT戦略:ユビキタスネットワーク社会へ Japan's IT Strategy: Realizing a Ubiquitous Network Society

David Sobel(London School of Economics)


While Japan may have missed out on the benefits of the Internet revolution enjoyed by many advanced nations during the 1990s, national IT growth has placed Japan once again in the ranks of the most technologically advanced nations. Building on this progress, the Japanese government announced policies in 2005 to address pressing social and industrial issues, with the goal of realizing a ubiquitous network society by the year 2010. In the past two years, Japan has made important advances, however, significant barriers to the attainment of this vision still remain. Starting with an explanation of the ubiquitous network concept, this speech will clarify the actual policies and their implementation, and provide a discussion of historical and international perspectives on IT strategy.

日本人とご利益信仰 Japanese Religion and Practical Benefits

Jessica Starling(University of Virginia)


Japanese religion is often represented by the putatively monolithic traditions of "Shinto" and "Buddhism," despite the fact that the majority of Japanese people describe themselves as "non-religious" or at least "not believing in any particular religion." On the other hand, when examining the religious actions that Japanese people do continue to participate in, recent sociologists of religion have pointed out that "practical benefits," or genze riyaku, is perhaps one of the most universal of Japanese religious motivations. Although historically Japanese religion has been classified using the oppositional terms of "established religion" verses "folk religion," with the seeking of this-worldly benefits being relegated to the somewhat frowned-upon second category, genze riyaku is clearly a religious motivation that transcends this distinction, as well as distinctions between Shinto and Buddhism. It is in fact found at all levels of practice and throughout Japanese history, to the point of becoming a normative element of Japanese religion itself. In this presentation, I would like to examine some specific examples of genze riyaku and problematize the aforementioned distinction between the "high" and "low" modes of religious belief and behavior.

現代日本文学に描かれた女性の病気 Women and Illness in Contemporary Japanese Literature

Grace Ting(Wellesley College)


When one suddenly starts hearing strange noises, or one's appetite mysteriously runs wild but without any corresponding health consequences, can such strange phenomena be termed illness? For this project, I will consider the extraordinary in everyday life and uncertain worlds and events as found in Yoko Ogawa's Yohaku no Ai (Love in the Margins) and Shugataimu (Sugar Time), as well as Taiko Nakajima's Kanpo Shosetsu (Chinese Medicine Novel). The writing of these two contemporary Japanese women writers questions preconceived ideas and arrives at fresh conclusions regarding illness, healing, and the body.

日本のサーフィン発祥地「湘南」 Shonan: The Birthplace of Japanese Surfing

James Topham(Oberlin College)

現在、日本には、75万人以上のサーファーがいると言われている。日本で現在のような形が人々に広まったのは戦後になってからで、1960年代、横浜近郊の湘南で団塊世代の人々から日本でのサーフィン文化が始まったとされている。それ以降、湘南は日本のサーフィン文化の中心となった。しかし、どのようにして日本でサーフィンは流行したのだろうか、そしてなぜ湘南は日本のサーフィンのメッカとなり得たのだろうか? ここでは日本でサーフィンが誕生するに至った経緯とその後の流行を湘南について地理的、文化的、歴史的に研究したことを発表すると共に、そこから見えてきた湘南という地域のイメージについて述べたいと思う。

Currently there are over 750,000 surfers in Japan. Largely a post-World War II cultural phenomenon, surfing, as we know it today, began as a pastime for Japan's Baby Boomers in the area near Yokohama known as Shonan in the early 1960's. Shonan later became the center of Japanese surfing. Yet, what about this time in Japan led to the birth of surfing, and its lasting popularity? And why did it occur in Shonan, later known as the Mecca of Japanese surfing? This presentation will examine the regional, cultural, and historical conditions that led to the birth and continuing popularity of Japanese surfing, as well as what that illustrates about the regional image of Shonan.

坂本龍馬:人間関係の考察 Sakamoto Ryoma: An Examination of Human Relationships


マイクロファイナンス:その可能性と日本の役割 Banking for the Poor: Japan's Potential Role in Expanding Microfinance

Lucia Vancura(Columbia University)


Microfinance (financial services designed for the poor) has become widely recognized as an important element in efforts to alleviate poverty, especially in developing countries. In Japan too, interest in microfinance has recently intensified. In order to build stable financial systems that include services for the poor, the sustainability of microfinance institutions is extremely important.  The expertise of Japan's financial institutions, the business and marketing skills of its private sector and the economic and fiscal policies of Japan's government all can contribute to the sustainability of the international microfinance industry. This presentation will discuss recent microfinance-related debate and activity in Japan and explore Japan's potential role in the further development of regional microfinance.

できごととしての「転向」と歴史性の欠如 “Tenko”as Event and the Absence of "History"


古代日本と中国とローマの駅制の比較 A Comparison of the Post-station Systems in Ancient Japan, China and Roma

Kevin Wilson(University of Southern California)

日本の律令国家の中で重要な組織のひとつは駅伝馬制度である。この制度をよく知るために他の国の古代交通制度と比べてみる。日本の駅伝馬制度の特質は深く研究されているが、他の国の駅制との比較はあまりされていないので今回の発表で日本と唐の駅制とローマのcursus publicusを比較しながら、それぞれの利点と弱点について述べていきたいと思う。

The post-station system played an important role in classical Japan's attempt to fully implement the ritsuryo codes borrowed from Tang China. I hope to better understand Japan's post-station system by comparing it to other classical transportation and communication systems. The Japanese post-station system has been well researched but it has not been compared with other systems to any great extent. In this presentation I hope to elucidate some of the strengths and weaknesses in the post-station system as a whole by comparing the so-called ekisei of Japan and Tang China with the cursus publicus of Rome.

沖縄返還運動に於ける「沖縄ナショナリズム」とは何か What was the Nature of Okinawan Nationalism in the Okinawan Reversion?

Ryan Yokota(University of Chicago)


Generally, when examining the Okinawa Reversion process, it is thought that the reversion both symbolized the end of the post-war period, and also showed the earnest desire of the Okinawans to be Japanese. For example, during the period from 1945-1972, the Hinomaru flag and Kimigayo song among other Japanese state symbols could be seen throughout the Ryukyu island chain. Moreover, demonstrations in support of the reversion along with signature collection campaigns also occurred frequently. In terms of this reversion movement, what did Okinawans of the time really think? What was their aim in supporting the reversion process? Through this presentation, I seek to explain the complex position of the Okinawans under American occupation, and inquire into a close examination of the differences between "state," "citizen," and "nationalism." Through this discussion I hope to describe the nature of "Okinawan nationalism" within the Okinawa reversion process.

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Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies