Summary of Final Oral Presentation 2016-2017

原宿系のサブカルチャー Subcultures of Harajuku

Klaudia Adamowicz (Jagiellonian University)


In this presentation, I introduce my research of the Harajuku subcultures. Previous studies of these Harajuku subcultures focused on explaining them as a kind of resistance against economical and social conditions. Contrary to this approach, I use the methods of interpretive sociology. I investigate the motives of the participants of the various subcultures of Harajuku and what meaning the subcultures have for them through interviews and other similar methods. On the basis of pilot study results, I focus on the example of visual kei. Instead of a framework of economic and social resistance, I introduce the term akogare.

文学のリアリティ -村上龍『希望の国のエクソダス』における現実性- Literature and Reality: Examining the "Realism" of Ryū Murakami’s Exodus of the Land of Hope

James Almony (University of Hawaii at Manoa)


Ryū Murakami’s Exodus to the Land of Hope tells the story of about 800,000 middle school students who stop attending school, start their own online businesses, and, ultimately, create a semi-independent community in Hokkaido with its own currency. While such a story may sound absolutely removed from real life, several Japanese critics have praised the novel for the way it maintains a powerful sense of reality. In this presentation, I will examine several of these analyses to explore how they position the literary work in relation to reality, and question what, exactly, they felt was “real” about this text.

日本の原発行政の問題点 Japan's Nuclear Industry and its controversial issues

Thomas Ashforth (Stanford University)


As a result of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, significant challenges still lie ahead for the Japanese nuclear energy industry as safety regulations continue to be under review. In this presentation I will focus on the issues facing the industry and the government, starting with how the tightly-knit relationship between government agencies and energy companies has influenced safety policy. Secondly, I will investigate how the government and energy companies, through their use of propaganda, applied pressure on local media for producing content critical of the nuclear industry. Finally, I will introduce the potential health effects as a result of the Fukushima disaster and, ultimately, what considerations of systemic reform should be contemplated for the future.

過去における未来 -建築空間と日本の戦後高度経済成長期 Future Pasts: Architectural Space and Postwar Japan's Economic Growth


『恋衣とはずがたり』 -『とはずがたり』の系譜- The Robes of Love Towazugatari:The descent of Towazugatari

Elsa Chanez (University of British Columbia)

 『とはずがたり』 は1307年に成立したもので二条という女性の作とされ、前半が日記文、後半が紀行文である。1938年に発見されたが、内容が事実に基づくものかどうかは明らかではない。2009年、作家奥山景布子は『恋衣 とはずがたり』という『とはずがたり』から影響を受けた小説を発表した。この小説は、二条の娘「露子」を登場させ、露子が母親の日記を通して母について知り、『とはずがたり』と名付け、後世(自分の養女)に残すという構成である。奥山の小説は「女流文学」という伝統を強調し、物語を通して作家自身が二条と繋がり、二条の人生と作家の人生の間に共鳴が起こって作品が生まれたと思わせる。本発表では、作品間、作家間の関係について検討していく。

Completed around 1306, Lady Nijō’s An Unrequested Tale (Towazugatari) is a hybrid work that combines a court diary and a travel diary. Although this text was completed during the Kamakura period (1185-1333), it was only rediscovered in 1938, and there are only a few instances of pre-modern texts that mention its existence. Written in 2009, Okuyama Kyōko’s The Robes of Love, Towazugatari (Koigoromo, Towazugatari), imagines the continuation of Nijō’s story through the eyes of her daughter, Tsuyuko, as she learns about her mother. Okuyama’s work emphasis the transmission of women’s literature through her fictional character, who names her mother’s diary and passes on her literary knowledge to her own adopted daughter. This presentation will also explore how Okuyama perpetuates this literary tradition by linking her novel to the classical diarist Nijō and her legacy.

我慢から薬での改善へ -DMSという概念- From endure to improvement:Cocepts of PMS in Japan

Shoan Yin Cheung (Cornell University)


Symptoms of PMS among Japanese women began appearing on a large scale in the 2000s. The discomfort that comes with menstruation in Japan, where the concept of gaman (“endurance”) is a moral value, has long been considered part of the natural processes of menstruation that a woman had to simply wait out. PMS, on the other hand, refers to a discrete cluster of symptoms that can be managed medically, and doctors have attributed its noticeable increase to women’s overwork. This presentation, which frames PMS as a culture-bound syndrome that tends to appear when women enter the workplace, will reconsider the phenomenology of menstrual pain cross-culturally. It will trace the evolution of PMS in recent U.S. medical history, and then articulate its manifestation in millennial Japan to reveal the new ways in which women’s bodies are medicalized. It will also analyze contemporary media materials to elucidate the cultural meanings that PMS has acquired in Japan today.

戦後の原子力反対と仏教 -非原爆から非原発まで- Antinuclear discourse among Buddhist groups in postwar Japan:From antibomb to antinuclear energy

Charles Cook (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)


The Japanese Buddhist response to nuclear energy after the Great East Japan earthquake has already been documented by scholars. Less explored is how activist priests, Buddhist organizations, and Buddhist new religions have been active in the antinuclear weapons issue throughout much of the Cold War. Framing the contemporary Buddhist protests in the larger context of antinuclear protest in Japan reveals that the Buddhist's shifting emphasis from antinuclear weapons to antinuclear energy is far from unique. Although this meta¬narrative is consistent with Japanese society as a whole, what is novel is the implication for the role of religion in this political discourse. This study explores the way in which nuclear discourse has been appropriated by Buddhists.

美術界におけるポストコロニアリズム -本当に植民地主義から逃げ切ったか- Post-Colonialism in the Art World- Is the Age of Colonialism Really Over?

Allison Cottrell (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)


The definition of Post-Colonialism, and how it applies to the world of art are topics often raised in academia, but what are the actually effects of this discussion on the art world? Are there any tangible events or policies that one can say stem from Post-Colonialism? This presentation seeks to answer these questions by looking at two exhibitions jointly planned by Japan and two other Asian countries. Through an analysis of these exhibitions, we can gain a clear understanding of how Post-Colonialism is currently viewed in the art world, and what still needs to be improved upon in order to truly enter a Post-Colonial world.

三島由紀夫とフリードリヒ・ニーチェ Yukio Mishima and Friedrich Nietzsche

Spencer Davis (Carleton College)


Friedrich Nietzsche: one of the titans of Continental philosophy. Yukio Mishima: one of the most eccentric but brilliant novelists of postwar Japan. The latter is one of the first high-profile individuals in Japan to discuss Nietzsche, but what is the relationship between the two? In this presentation, I will discuss the influence of Nietzsche's thought and writings on Mishima. In particular, I will superimpose Nietzsche's philosophy over the ideas in the tetralogy the Sea of Fertility and the scholarship surrounding it. Parallels will also be drawn between the political writings of Mishima and Nietzschian conceptions of morality and metaphysics. The contents of this presentation will ultimately center on Mishima's unique perspectives on space, time, cyclicality and the relativity of morality and reality.

「書ハ美術ナラズ」か -明治国家形成における日本美術史構築のケーススタディ- Is calligraphy art?--a case study of Japanese art history discourse during the Meiji formation of nation-state

Xiaohan Du (Columbia University)



The construction of “Japanese art history” during Meiji Japan was greatly informed by the conceptual framework of Western art history. However, because no art historical discourse existed in the West that was directly applicable to calligraphy, a highly original visual form unique to the East Asian cultural sphere, calligraphy was excluded from the official category of ‘art’ sanctioned by the Meiji government. As a result, the answer to how calligraphy should be evaluated as an artistic form remains elusive; calligraphy, as an important form of visual material, remains understudied in the field of East Asian art history today.

This presentation centers on an 1882 public debate on whether calligraphy is art or not between Koyama Shōtarō (1857-1916) and Okakura Tenshin (1862-1913); it attempts to examine the ambiguous position of calligraphy within the discursive construction of ‘Japanese art history,’ in the historical context of the formation of Japan as a modern nation-state during the Meiji era.

迎賓館の室内装飾 -近現代の日本の外交空間に見える「和魂洋才」の配置様式- The Interior Design of State Guest House and "Japanese Spirit,Western Learning "in twentieth-Century Japanese Diplomatic Space


日本における働く女性の問題 The State of Affairs for Woking Women in Japan

Robert Fiumedora (Ohio State University)


Even since the “enforcement” of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law in Japan in 1986, the working conditions for women have shown only slight improvement, as Japan still lags behind western countries in terms of average male-female promotion and wage discrepancies. Additionally, the environment for expecting and new mothers in the Japanese workplace is less than accommodating, as over 25% of expecting mothers experience what is called “maternity harassment” from their co-workers. To top it off, once women take maternity leave, there is a good chance they will not even be rehired. Given the multiple layers of the current issues facing working women in Japan, the solution to this problem is not simple, but will offer ideas throughout the presentation.

社会文化理論及び概念中心教育 -概要・批判・代替のアプローチ- Sociocultural Theory and Concept-Based Instruction:A Summary ,Critique,and Alternative Approach

Sean Forte (University of Hawaii at Manoa)


In the early 1930s, Lev Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist, established “Sociocultural Theory (SCT)”, a revolutionary theory regarding human psychological development. One of Vygotsky’s disciples, Pjotr Galperin, later proposed “Concept-Based Instruction (CBI) Theory”, an educational approach based on SCT. This presentation focuses on and examines these two theories and their application in the second-language education. First, I provide an outline of SCT as a base. Next, I explain CBI, introducing details of the instructional approach along with concrete instances of research studies conducted in second-language contexts. With this, I then add a critique of the approach and research studies. Lastly, I briefly present an alternative approach, and suggest a path research in the field should follow hence.

シェアリングエコノミーに対する足かせ -Airbnb、Uberを例として- Issues for the Sharing Economy:The Case of Airbnb and Uber in Japan

Evan Frost (Princeton University)


“Sharing Economy” services such as Airbnb and Uber have experienced wild success in the past several years in many regions of the globe. In Japan, however, the sharing economy has failed to make a significant impact. In this presentation I will attempt to explain why that is, as well as what we can expect for the sharing economy in Japan in the future. Specifically, I will discuss the Japan’s market needs for, and the regulations pertaining to, sharing economy services, with a particular focus on the development, content, and implications of the “New ‘Minpaku’ Act”, a bill creating a new legal category for Airbnb-like home sharing services.

天狗 -妖怪への変化- From Literary Device to Yōkai the Transformation of Tengu in Japanese Literature

Christian Garcia (University of Michigan)


Since pre-modern Japan, tengu have existed in facets such as popular culture, folklore, and especially medieval Buddhism. Haruko Wakabayashi, one of the more recent scholars of tengu, claims that, “tengu which were initially unrelated to Buddhism, were gradually assimilated into the Buddhist cosmology as embodiments of an evil that only Buddhist monks could overcome.” However, in this presentation, I argue that the notion of tengu have changed from a Buddhist notion, to existing in their own right with their own characteristics outside of the Buddhist practices.

グローバル学生と教育制度の現状 Grobal Students and the state of the Education System


和歌と遊戯 -様々な遊びの紹介- Poems and Play:An Introduction to Play Involving Waka

Kurtis Hanlon (University of British Columbia)


Starting in the Heian period, there have been many games in Japan related to literature, specifically waka (Japanese poems). Though many of these games began as pursuits of play with political and social significance within the ruling elite, they were eventually transmitted and adapted for broader audiences around the Edo period. This presentation will introduce a broad range of the forms of play that involve waka - including utaawase (poetry contests), utakai (poem parties), kyokusui no en (winding river parties), hyakunin isshū karuta (cards of One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each), and hanafuda (flower cards) - tracing their transformation from entertainment for noble families to games enjoyed by children of all classes to this day.

小児性愛とロリータコンプレックス Pedphelia and Lolita Complex

Praditya Hargianto (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)


疋田保一 -日本とアフリカ系アメリカ人を繋げた工作員- Hikida Yasuichi: The Japanese Spy of Harem

Dina Hassan (Stanford University)


In 1905 much to the world’s surprise, Japan proved victorious in the Russo-Japanese War. As a result, Japan became the nation most admired by African Americans. Seeking to take advantage of this pro-Japanese sentiment, the Japanese government dispatched spies to infiltrate black America. Among these agents, Hikida Yasuichi, a scholar who spent more than 20 years researching about African American society and befriending the most influential black men in Harlem, was undoubtedly the most famous. His research would culminate in the creation of Japanese propaganda targeting African American soldiers. Today’s presentation will focus on the mysterious life of Hikida, the Japanese spy of Harlem.

高等教育制度の国際化 -内向き志向からの脱却- Higher Education:From Inward Focussed to Internationalization

Eli Hatch (Middlebury Institute of Int'l Studies at Monterey)


Due to Japan’s declining birthrate, it has been said that the country has a high possibility of entering a management crisis. As universities in East and Southeast Asia occupy top international rankings, it is becoming difficult for Japanese universities to obtain international students. To overcome this crisis, Japan is modeling European and the American higher education and focusing on internationalization. In the internationalization of higher education,

so-called campus internationalization, the diversity of students and teachers, the internationalization of course content, and international educational exchange activities are at the center of reform. In this presentation, we analyze what concrete actions are being done

about these three points, as well as the English Medium of Instruction (EMI) undergraduate programs created to attract international students. Lastly, we present the results of an interview survey of students participating in an EMI undergraduate program and show

proposals for higher education system reform based on the higher education systems of other countries.

進化するマーケティング -従来型とデジタル型-  Evolution of Marketing Methods: Traditional vs Digital

Rei Izawa (University of Hawaii at Manoa)


With the number of internet users in the world increasing each year, it is no wonder that social media is playing such a big role in our everyday lives. With this advancement, marketing has been shifting from traditional marketing (marketing via traditional methods such as print advertising and television commercials) to digital marketing (marketing using digital channels such as social media networks). However, the pace at which marketing will advance from traditional to digital will vary depending on a location’s digital infrastructure, demographics and residents’ lifestyle. This presentation will use Japan and the United States as examples to discuss the methods of traditional marketing and digital marketing.

日本の刑事司法制度の改正 Japan's Criminal Justice System Reform

Christopher Kessler (University of Washington)


Though there are many merits to Japan’s criminal justice system, there are also several weaknesses. In an effort at improvement, in 2014 the Ministry of Justice submitted a reform proposal to the Diet, and on June 3, 2016, the Diet passed a criminal justice system reform consisting of five main components, each scheduled to come into effect within twenty days, six months, two years, or three years of the promulgation date. This presentation will examine three of these reforms: video recording of suspect/defendant interrogations, the introduction of a plea-bargaining system, and an expanded use of wiretapping in certain criminal investigations.

心理学調査に基づく恥文化/罪文化という区別の危険性 Dangers of the Shame Culture/Guilt Culture Distinction from the Point of View of Psychological Reserch

Tatyana Kostochka (University of Southern California)


Recently, there has been an increasing amount of psychological research regarding guilt and shame. One of the most prominent researchers in this field June Tangney has claimed that there is a strong connection between feeling shame, externalizing blame, and aggressive behavior. Proponents of this popular view have come to refer to shame as “an ugly emotion” or “guilt’s ugly sister.” Embracing this view has important social repercussions. For example, it adversely affects the image of what have been referred to as “shame cultures.” In this presentation, I examine Tangney’s claims in light of these social implications.

日本の多様性 -赤坂憲雄の「東北学」- Many Japans:Akasaka Norio's Tōhoku-gaku"

Michael Levine (University of Colorado, Boulder)


The scholar Akasaka Norio launched his “Tohoku Studies” project in the 1990s in reaction to the work of Yanagita Kunio, the father of Japanese folklore studies. According to Akasaka, Yanagita was in thrall to the idea of Japan as “The Land of Abundant Rice”—a monoracial, monocultural nation with peasant cultivation and worship of rice at its heart. Using the region of Tohoku as his “field” and Yanagita as his counterpoint, Akasaka draws on regional folklore, local history, interviews with elderly residents, and archaeological analyses of Jomon Period sites in an effort to unearth what Tohoku was like “before rice” and determine the extent to which traces of older ways remain. Ultimately, he sees Tohoku as an example of Japanese diversity and a first step in the defense of a pluralistic Japan. In this presentation, I will introduce Akasaka’s interpretation of Yanagita’s thought, give a couple of examples of the ways in which Akasaka seeks to undermine it, and give some thoughts on the ideological implications of Akasaka’s project.

日露戦争後の満州を巡る日中間交渉 Sino-Japanese Negociations after Russo-Japanese War

Aiqi Liu (University of Iowa)


The signing of the Treaty of Portsmouth in 1905 is often seen as a decisive moment for the Japanese Empire because out of it, Japan established a new sphere of influence in Manchuria and Korea. Yet, Japan’s newly-acquired rights from the Treaty of Portsmouth were mostly concessions made by China to Russia before. This presentation will try to make the argument that the Japan’s negotiation with China after the Treaty of Portsmouth is also significant, because apart from the confirmation of the rights in the Russo-Japanese treaty, Japan also successfully extracted new and crucial rights from China. This presentation is in three parts. First, I will start with a brief introduction to the historical background of the negotiation. Second, I will focus on the analysis of the specific requests raised by the Japanese during the negotiations. Finally, I will discuss some of the potential research questions posed by the Sino-Japanese negotiations.

慰安婦像をめぐる論争 -日系人と在米日本人の対立- Comfort Womenstatues on America-Soil:Why japanese Americans and Japanese Nationals are Devided on the Issue

Takuya Maeda (Emory University)


This presentation addresses the ongoing controversy, both in Japan and in the United States, over the “Comfort Women” statue erected in Glendale, California in 2014. The statue, memorializing those forced into sexual slavery by the Imperial Japanese Army, has been the subject of fierce protest from right-wing Japanese politicians and organizations, who dismiss the statue as another effort to tarnish Japan’s reputation abroad. Locally, the debate has proved divisive for the Nikkei community, with the postwar generation of Japanese immigrants leading lawsuits against the city of Glendale to remove the statue, and Japanese Americans standing with Korean American and other Asian American groups in support of the statue. This trans-Pacific dispute offers insights into the complexity of identities within the Japanese diaspora, and how these groups engage with the national memories, histories, and politics of both Japan and the United States.

堀田善衛の天皇観について Hotta Yoshie’s View of the Emperor

Casey Martin (University of California, Los Angeles)


This presentation will examine author Hotta Yoshie, a prominent Japanese literary figure who was active from the end of World War II until his death in 1998. In the days following the March 10, 1945 Great Tokyo Air Raid, Hotta unexpectedly encountered the Shōwa Emperor, who was touring the burned out ruins of the city. Hotta describes the remarkable events of this day within his 1971 literary work Hōjōki shiki (Notes on An Account of my Hut). What were Hotta’s views of the Emperor? What were the contours of the “New Japan” that he envisioned following the Great Tokyo Air Raid?

『羅生門』におけるナチュラリズムと道徳観 Naturalism and Moral Agency in “Rashomon”

Edward Massie Eisner (University of Hawaii at Manoa)


Akutagawa Ryunosuke is considered a modernist writer; however, his famous work "Rashomon" incorporates the characteristic concepts of naturalism. Naturalist writers saw their works as laboratories in which to examine how the social and physical environments that affect human character and decision-making. In his handling of this theme in “Rashomon” Akutagawa develops the logic of human moral agency and moral choice. In this presentation I suggest that although the style and setting of “Rashomon” mark it as modernist, if it is approached as a naturalist work, the theme of the nature of human choice when facing a strong external environment becomes clear.

憲法第9条を巡る改正の議論 Amending Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution

Kathleen McCabe (McGill University)


On May 3, 1947 the new post-war Japanese constitution went into effect. Similar to the post-war constitutions of both Germany and Italy, the new Japanese constitution, specifically Article 9 of the document, included a formal renunciation of war and various prohibitions on the use of force in the settlement of international disputes. In the years since the end of the second World War, pacifism and nuclear non-proliferation have come to be considered integral parts of Japanese national identity, and certainly can be seen as formal positions of the state. However, the continuity of Article 9 has not been without opposition. In recent years, the Abe administration in particular has been advocating to amend the constitution and restore the Japanese government’s right to a standing military. Due to insufficient support in the Diet, Prime Minister Abe’s efforts to formally amend the constitution have fallen short. Recently, he has sought instead to introduce a reinterpretation of the Article that would extend beyond the bounds of the traditional understanding. This presentation will explore this reinterpretation.

日本の少女世界の国境 ―『少女世界』における朝鮮合併に関する記述を参考に― Borders of the Shōjo World: The Annexation of Korea as seen in Shōjo Sekai

Francesca Pizarro (University of Hawaii at Manoa)


The September 1910 issue of girls’ (shōjo) magazine Shōjo Sekai, prominently featured articles on the so-called Annexation of Korea (August 29, 1910) and were actively engaged in shaping readers’ attitudes toward it. This presentation will focus on editor-in-chief, Iwaya Sazanami’s editorial “Ōnami konami” (Big wave, little wave) and consider how it situates its “Japanese shōjo” readership in relation to Korea.The presentation argues that Japanese shōjo are empowered through Iwaya’s comparison between “Our Nation” and “Korea.” This empowerment is achieved at the cost of seeing Korea as “feminine” (vis-à-vis Japan as “masculine”) and the nation’s “unfortunate little sister.” This analysis foregrounds the nationalistic dimensions of the very concept of the “shōjo” and her world.

また111位なのか -日本の男女格差が解決できない課題- #111 again ?!:Japan's Continued Struggle to close the Gender Gap

Camille Priebe (Willamette University)


Every year, the World Economic Forum releases the Global Gender Gap Report, which outlines the gender disparity of 144 countries based on four areas: health, education, economy, and politics. Since the report began in 2006, Japan has ranked poorly, and made little progress over a ten year period. In this presentation, I will give an overview of the results of the 2016 report, published in October. Although the report is by no means comprehensive or a completely accurate representation of gender dynamics in these countries, we can pinpoint weak areas and consider future changes in order to close the gender gap. In Japan, what policies are in place now to combat gender disparity and how might lawmakers or other positions of power reconsider their approach for the future?

「ビッグブラザー」の死とその後 -漫画『ワンパンマン』を中心に- Big Brother's Death and Beyond:a Critical reading of “One Punch Man”

Huiyong Qiu (University of British Columbia)


With continuing development of global capitalism and proliferation of communication technologies, power and information are increasingly decentralized and fragmented. In this regard, “grand narratives” such as the notion of “absolute justice” (personified as “Big Brother”) has lost its social function and has come to be replaced by an enormous system composed by multiple coexisting “justices,” interacting with and, at times, challenging each other. To elaborate how this new social/power structure is manifested in the world of popular culture, this presentation offers a critical reading of the popular manga series One Punch Man and examines the construction of heroism that this work puts forward to its reader.

日本と欧米社会のロボット像の文化的比較 A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Robots in Japanese and Western Society

Alyeska Robbins (Oxford University)


Technology for social and personal robots, such as Softbank’s Pepper, are only in the beginning stages. In this presentation, I ask why is it that these kinds of robots seem to be more adaptable in East Asia than in the West? First, I will define and explain robots in Japan. Next, we will look at perceptions of robots in East Asia (such as Japan) and the West. I would like to argue that robots should not be seen as a threat, but that in Japan and even in the West, they can harmoniously coexist with humans in a peaceful manner.

ラジオ草創期のラジオドラマ Early “Radio Dramas” in Japan

Xavier Sawada (Dartmouth College)


Radio broadcasts began in Japan in 1925 and soon transformed the consumption of information and the character of popular entertainment. This presentation focuses on early attempts of novelists and playwrights to write narratives adapted to this nascent auditory medium. I will look mainly at Kishida Kunio’s 1927 radio drama “Ganbaharu’s Experiment,” examining how it exploits the aesthetic possibilities of radio transmission and teaches us about contemporary attitudes towards scientific inquiry and technological innovation.

『犬婿入り』における空間と異類 Space and “Otherness” in Tawada Yōko's "The Bridegroom was a Dog"

Ajjana Thairungroj (Harvard University)


This presentation explores the relationship between space and alterity in Tawada Yoko’s The Bridegroom Was a Dog. It attempts to provide an interpretation of the novella in terms of the creation of spaces of otherness, and the negotiations that happen in these so-called ‘in-between’ spaces. This presentation argues that Tawada subverts the traditional by emulating the folkloric form but de-stabilizing its content, achieving a lack of spatial specificity.

日本語学習者の学習動機 The Goals and Motivations of Japanese Scholars

Karin Tompkins (University of Michigan)


I am in the data gathering stage of my master’s thesis project, an investigation of the goals and motivations of students who study Japanese as a foreign language. I am interested in determining why students study Japanese in the first place, if there are any trends in motivation among current generations of students of Japanese that distinguish them from previous generations, and what keeps advanced-level students motivated to study Japanese as long as they do. In this presentation I will present my preliminary findings based on data gathered from online surveys and interviews conducted with students here at the Inter-University Center.

吃音症とは? What is Shuttering?

Lauren Toppin (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)


What is stuttering? Stuttering is a very common communication disorder that affects the quality of life of people worldwide. However, not only is this disorder not well-known, treatment options are often inadequate. Therefore, during this presentation, I will first discuss stuttering from the perspective of someone with this communication disorder. Then, I will highlight key statistics and explain the common causes, symptoms and connections with other disorders. Finally, I will discuss treatment accessibility issues that currently exist in Japan.

琉球弧における言語多様性 Language Diversity in the Ryukyu Islands


公開会社対象M&A取引と非公開会社対象M&A取引との主な相違点 Key Differences in Public Target and Private Target M&A Transactions

Nicholas Tsai (University of Texas at Austin)


Facing a persistently stagnant domestic economy, Japanese companies have turned their focus to foreign markets. Looking for a shortcut to overseas growth, they are increasingly relying on outbound M&A as a means to establish global presence. In a competitive M&A process, however, Japanese companies often struggle to keep pace, and more often than not fail to achieve their desired targets in the years following an overseas acquisition. One reason for that is the complexity of negotiating M&A transactions, the strategy and structure of which varies widely depending on the location and form of the target business. Here, I provide a simple contrastive analysis between the acquisition of public and private companies in the U.S. and introduce some key negotiation considerations raised by such differences.

中国におけるアニメ映画『君の名は。』の受容 −レビューサイト「豆瓣映画」のユーザー投稿を例として− The Reception of Japanese Anime Film Your Name. on Chinese Review Website “Douban Movie”

Yatong Wang (University of California, Santa Barbara)


Makoto Shinkai’s 2016 anime film Your Name. has unexpectedly become a major commercial success not only in Japan but also around the world. In China, the film broke a number of records and is now the biggest anime box office hit of all time. In order to understand more specifically how people think about the film, I examined 286 film reviews from China’s largest film review website “Douban Movie,” by broadly dividing then into two groups – that is, before and after the official release date – and analyzing them in various aspects including graphics, story, music, and more. As a result, compared to the overall acclaim of the graphics and music, the reviews are divided over the logic of the story and the rationality of the romantic relationship between the two main characters.

大和言葉ブーム Various Aspects of the “Yamato Kotoba” Boom

Lisa Wilcut (Stanford University)

最近大和言葉が注目を集めている。大和言葉は『万葉集』や『小倉百人一首』など古典文学で使われた日本語だが、現在の日常でも使いこなすというブームが起こっている。高橋こうじが書いた『日本の大和言葉を美しく話す』が2014年に出版されて以来、大和言葉に関して20冊以上の本が出版されており、新聞や雑誌やテレビでも大和言葉が取り上げられている。本発表では大和言葉を説明し、そして愛好者の方々の意見をもとに、大和言葉の 様々な特徴や使用について紹介する。

Lately there has been something of a “yamato kotoba boom.” Yamato kotoba is the original language of Japan, found in classics such as the Man’yōshū and the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu, yet there is also a movement to revive it and incorporate it into daily use. Since the publication of Kōji Takahashi’s book on speaking beautifully using yamato kotoba in late 2014, there have been over 20 books published on the subject, and the topic has appeared in numerous newspaper and magazine articles, and even on television. This presentation explains the position of yamato kotoba within the Japanese language system, and introduces some of the claims that its proponents make regarding its use and characteristics.

金史良(キム・サリャン)『草深し』に見られる多面的抵抗 -近代化・植民地化・民族主義- Multi-Pronged Resistance in Kim Saryang's “Deep Grass”: Modernity, Coloniarism, Nationarism

Alexandra Wiltsie (University of California, Riverside)


Ideologically situating Kim Sa-ryang (1914-1950), a Japanese Korean author who lived and worked under the shadow of Japanese colonialism, is almost an impossible task. From the privileged standpoint of a Tokyo-educated, trilingual intellectual, Kim criticized Japanese colonialism and Korean nationalism, but he also took aim at the supposed panacea of modernity. His writings are replete with images of those left behind by the modernizing push Japan was leading throughout Asia, with terms impossible to integrate into the modern world-order, as well as with analyses of the mythology of both Japanese and Korean nationalism as poisonous, de-humanizing fetishes. In the short story titled “Deep Grass,” published in 1940 in the magazine Bungei Shuto, Kim ties his criticisms of Japanese colonialism, Korean nationalism, and modernization together. In the following presentation, I will analyze Kim’s triple-pronged criticism as the hand which pulls back the curtain covering the complicity of these three ideologies, which Kim views as dependent on and supportive of each other. In “Deep Grass,” this struggle revolves around the Japanese colonial regime’s promulgation of a policy requiring Koreans to stop wearing their traditional white clothing, and instead replace it with colored or dyed clothing. Ninshoku (In-sik), the short story’s protagonist, hears the announcement of this policy on his way into the mountains in search of slash-and-burn farmers, to whom he hopes to bring modern salvation in the form of medical knowledge. Ninshoku discovers that a cult based on a historical Korean book of prophecy has taken root among the farmers and is causing them to rebel against the colonial colored-clothing mandate by requiring they wear white clothing. Through the relationships of the story’s three main parties, I will demonstrate Kim’s multi-pronged resistance to these complicit ideologies.

平均回帰性に基づく株式トレーディング戦略 A Mean-Reversion Equity Trading Strategy

Anibal Yanez (Dartmouth College)


ジョン・ケージ・ショックと戦後における日本の前衛音楽の主体性 “John Cage Shock” and the Musical Identity of the Postwar Japanese Avant-garde

Serena Yang (University of California, Davis)


In the early 1960s, Toshi Ichiyanagi’s introduction of the American composer John Cage’s music and performance style to the postwar Japanese musical scene caused a significant disruption, resulting in a stylistic shift from the dominance of the European avant-garde in Japanese music toward American experimentalism. Cage’s re-contextualizing of generalized non-Western thoughts into aesthetic premises suggested new artistic strategies to some post-war Japanese composers who were already struggling with their own artist heritage and identity issues. Others, such as the artist Takehisa Kosugi, rejected using Japanese traditional elements, and instead explored the reality of space through multisensory improvisation, exemplifying an extension of Cage’s emphasis on actions and processes in his 1960s music. This paper argues that Japanese composers’ disparate responses to Cage’s musical ideology show not only their efforts to be “advanced” after Cage but also to re-orientate their own musical identities within an international avant-garde framework.

第二言語としての日本語発音教育 L2(Second language) Japanese Pronunciation Education

Keely Zabonik (University of Hawaii at Manoa)


The field of linguistics is relatively new and accordingly many areas have yet to be fully explored. In regards to second language (L2) learning, pronunciation, particularly how to teach pronunciation, is lacking in adequate research. Recently, many researchers are focusing on CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) as a means to bridge the gap between research and pedagogy. In this speech, I will focus on specific pronunciation difficulties English speaking Japanese L2 learners face and what kind of research can be conducted with the goal of further exploring these difficulties and creating a stronger link between pronunciation research and pedagogy.

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Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies