Nicholas Ammon (University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa)
In Kawakami Mieko’s novel, Breasts and Eggs, most descriptions use not the narrative language of the “standard” but rather Osaka “dialect.” Specifically, the main character, Natsuko, narrates the three day period in which her sister and her niece come to visit her in Tokyo, in Osakan dialect. As the narrator, Natsuko describes the story in language close to the common language, or kyoutsu-go. However, interpersonal communication, displayed in her daughter’s diary and conversations with her sister, are expressed in the Osakan dialect. The moments of Osaka “dialect” demonstrate the ability to express their state of mind and ideas just as they are, undaunted by social pressures. Furthermore, utilizing both languages simultaneously, she expresses an abundance of nuance, ineffable in the “standard.” Due to the use of Osakan “dialect” and a free sentence style, Kawakami Mieko paints not only the complicated interpersonal lives but also the individual subjectivities of the woman in her work.
Juan Felipe Arroyave (University of Washington)
スペイン語圏において日本文学に興味がある人は多くない。その原因として、単に言語の問題を指摘するだけでは十分ではない。それ以上に、日本文学を一般に広く普及させる方法が確立していないことが問題である。翻訳された文学を入手しやすくする方法として、インターネットを通じて無料で公開することが考えられる。本発表ではその活動の一つとして、独自に翻訳した『小倉百人一首』の新訳を無料でスペイン語圏の読者に公開しているサイト padelfordpress.com/cien-poetas-cien-poemas を紹介する。
There does not seem a be lot of readers of Japanese literature in the Spanish-speaking world. The language barrier is often cited as the main cause for this, but the way translated works are disseminated must also be considered. As a way of increasing the availability and accessibility of Japanese literature in Spanish, I want to present a new, completely digitized translation of the Hyakunin Isshū, one of the most representative compilations of classical Japanese poetry, to Spanish readers. The text can be accessed here for free: padelfordpress.com/cien-poetas-cien-poemas.
Mariko Azuma (University of Utah)
Through an art historical perspective, this presentation approaches Meiji era architecture’s outward perception and visual characteristics, in other words, the creation and mechanism of “visuality.” From various angles and fields such as photography to world fairs and museums, the opening of Japan’s borders meant heightened awareness of “being seen” and “seeing.” This act of exchanging gazes, deeply associated with modernization and westernization, is clearly and vibrantly represented in architecture, especially that of upper-class reception rooms and hotels.
Megan Beckerich (University of Chicago)
In this presentation I will introduce Tsukioka Yoshitoshi’s “Adachigahara” (“The Lonely House at Adachi Moor” 1885), and explore the supposed censorship the print earned in the Meiji period with a brief discussion on its socially disruptive subject matter. Following an introduction to so-called “cruelty pictures,” I will briefly summarize the legend “Adachigahara,” and introduce other ukiyo-e portraying the story in the Bakumatsu and Meiji periods. While Yoshitoshi’s print does not contain the explicit violence “cruelty pictures” are known for, the implied violence and female nudity leave an impression stronger than that of direct representation. The depiction of nudity in particular may have elicited the negative attention it received in the Meiji period. While this print is regarded today as one of Yoshitoshi’s most famous work, I argue that there are many who neglect the background and history of this particular print in the history of ukiyo-e, and by extension, Meiji popular culture.
Amy Burke (National University of Ireland, Galway)
While Japan’s cities and urban areas are flourishing economically, it is a different story altogether for the rural localities. The consequences of depopulation and the declining birthrate in local areas have led to financial strain, lowered marriage rates and a decline in industry. However, in the past ten years, Japan has seen itself in the midst of a tourism boom. There are now more people visiting Japan than ever before, creating an invaluable opportunity for economic revival and revitalisation in rural areas. However, it has become evident that in order to achieve this, municipal governments need to skillfully manage a tourism campaign with branding unique to that locality. In this presentation, I will introduce the story of the island of Naoshima in Kagawa Prefecture, and analyse the factors that led to its success in utilising tourism to create local rejuvenation.
Anthony Chan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
The kanji compounds that we currently use in Japanese are a relatively recent phenomenon, with the majority of them being coined or reinterpreted in the early modern period. In contrast to the historical loanwords spanning back to ancient China, these newly created Sino-Japanese compounds are also known as wasei-kango, shin-kango, and kanjigo. Said Sino-Japanese vocabulary remains in the present day, even finding its way into the modern Chinese and Korean lexicons. However, how did these words reach the Chinese mainland and Korean peninsula? Why were kanji used to form these words in the first place? This presentation explores the various historical and sociolinguistic factors that led to such a proliferation. By examining the journey of Sino-Japanese vocabulary, we can observe language contact and attitudes, as well as the links connecting the West, Japan, China, and Korea at the time.
Alexander Chin (Columbia University)
In the United States, Asian-Americans are sometimes viewed as foreign by their fellow Americans. For instance, Asian-Americans are often asked “where are you from?”, yet an answer such as “New York” does not leave the questioner satisfied. This is because within this question lies the imbedded meaning, “where in Asia are you from?” Though seemingly harmless, such questions imply that Asian-Americans are not American. This presentation will discuss how the forever foreigner stereotype relates to the model minority stereotype while giving specific examples of why the forever foreigner stereotype is harmful to Asian Americans.
Miguel Conner (Reed College)
Since 1985, Japan has held the number one spot for longevity in both men and women, and has also had incredibly low rates of many cancers and chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. Genetics, environment, high-quality healthcare and many other factors are important, but one factor that has played a big role is the diet and food culture of Japan. The relatively high level of health consciousness in home cooking, combined with calorie consumption that closely matches calorie expenditure are two important characteristics of the diet. Other relevant habits include a large amount of protein coming from fish or tofu rather than red meat, the diet’s relatively low fat content, and very little added sugar. However, from a health perspective, the large amounts of processed carbs and high volumes of salt are factors that could be limited to (in theory) provide even better health outcomes.
Michelle Crowson (University of Oregon)
“World literature” is generally regarded as any work conveyed through translation from its home culture to another. However, Comparative Literature scholar Emily Apter argues that translation reinforces existing global inequalities, thus proposes a politics of “untranslatability” as an ethical countermeasure to rethink the problematics of world literature. Subsequent debates have hinged on whether or not a given source text can be transmitted faithfully into a target language. However, literature is not necessarily made of language alone, and power relations are not limited to the grounds of the source and target languages. This presentation highlights key nonlinguistic elements of an Early Modern Japanese woman’s poetic collection, proposing a concept of “world literature” that extends beyond the realm of linguistic equivalence.
Heather Davis (Brown University)
The inherent difficulties of translation are often underestimated by companies and consumers alike. Even when translation difficulties are acknowledged, often only issues of differing cultural knowledge and consumer tastes are addressed. In this presentation, I will focus instead on translation difficulties rooted in language and linguistics. In the first place, unlike movies or television, source materials that rely solely on the written word cannot fully or faithfully depict the real world. This limited ability of the written word to depict the real world generates a unique set of translation difficulties.Through my translation of three short stories by Kaori Fujino, I investigate this special species of translation complication.
Paula Esguerra (International Christian University)
The recent world-wide boom of Mindfulness practices is closely linked to the expansion of Zen Buddhism in North America. Mindfulness applications range from mental health, emotional and pain treatments in the medical field, to improving productivity and team building in the business realm. In this presentation, I discuss the development of Mindfulness in Japan and its reception among Zen Buddhist circles. In particular, I focus on Zen priests’ reactions to the Mindfulness boom. While some Zen priests support the spread of Mindfulness and interpret it as favorable to Zen, others view it as a dangerous commodification and simplification of zazen, a traditional Zen practice. I conclude by presenting potential scenarios for the coexisting of Zen and Mindfulness in Japan.
William Fee (Oxford University)
日本人作家大江健三郎は14歳の頃から毎年何度かの「聖なる週間」を設定し、その期間はロシア人作家ドストエフスキーの作品しか読まないという習慣がある。この習慣のおかげで、大江の作品にはドストエフスキーの影響が明確に見える。とりわけ作中の多くの宗教的概念と文体においてこのような影響が見つかる。ドストエフスキーも大江も、その作品において宗教的な信仰に潜む矛盾に苦しんでいる。ドストエフスキーは合理的な精神のせいでキリスト教の信仰に対する疑問に苦しんだが、大江は戦後民主主義をめぐって理想主義と現実主義の狭間で苦しんだ。本発表では、この両者の苦しみの類似性を主張したい。とりわけ、大江による『定義集』(2012) というエッセイ集の分析を通じ、核兵器がある「現実的」な世界と平和主義による「理想的」な世界の二分法について論じたい。
Since the age of 14, veteran Japanese writer, Ōe Kenzaburō, has spent several ‘holy weeks’ a year engrossed in the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky, titan of Russian literature. As a result, it is possible to note the influence of Dostoevsky etched across Ōe’s complete body of work. No more so is this true than in Ōe’s abundant use of quasi-religious language and motif to describe the contours of his own socio-political consciousness. Both Ōe and Dostoevsky alike share a tortured sense of contradiction regarding the viability of their respective faiths. In Dostoevsky’s case, the formerly avowed atheist consistently struggles to rationalise his born-again Christian beliefs against his own sense of what is logically possible. In Ōe’s case, it is the author’s idealistic devotion to the democratic principles of Japan’s pacifistic postwar constitution that is consistently undermined by societal notions of what is realistically achievable. In both instances, the rational and the ideal are in conflict, precipitating a crisis of faith in the author. I intend to use this presentation to discuss this dichotomy as it appears in the work of both writers. In particular, I would like to explore the contradictory ‘realism’ of the contemporary nuclear age, in contrast with the ‘idealism’ of a potential pacifistic global order, as viewed through the lens of Ōe’s 2012 essay collection, ‘Definitions’.
Anna Fischer (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Due to the human brain being so complex and not completely understood, research and understanding towards psychological and neurological syndromes and disorders are still relatively new in the medical field. In this presentation, I will strive to provide a clear understanding of Asperger’s Syndrome with the intention to stop the spread of prejudice and discrimination brought by misinformation and stigma. First, I will be discussing the definition and symptoms in regards to what Asperger’s Syndrome is and how it relates to Autism Spectrum Disorder. Next, I will be discussing cognitive behavioral therapy and other therapy outside of the conventional talk-therapy as ‘treatment’ for helping individuals whom live with Asperger’s Syndrome to be able to succeed in society. Lastly, I will be shedding light on what challenges are faced by people living with Asperger’s Syndrome in our society.
Carlton Fischer (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
This talk will briefly outline the aging of the Japanese population and several measures taken to mitigate the consequent social difficulties. These challenges are frequently discussed from bars to parliament and even more so are the solutions. However, although measures to improve society, like normalizing stereotyped gender-roles in the home and improving Japan’s work-life balance, have been implemented to varying degrees of success, this imbalance has persisted for over 40 years. In this presentation, it is suggested that, rather than goals rooted in economic growth, solutions based on environmental consideration and social welfare are the best path forward.
Jon Foissotte (Johns Hopkins University SAIS)
In the first half of 2018, U.S. foreign policy toward North Korea shifted dramatically, leading to challenges in alliance coordination during a period of complex negotiations. Central among these is the potential danger for North Korea to exploit differences in the national interests of Japan and the United States, dividing the two countries and isolating Japan. The presentation proposes to avert this by constructing a multilateral negotiating framework including Japan, the United States, and South Korea.
Vincent Gleizer (Yale University)
This presentation will introduce the topic of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in a museum setting through my experience as a student IPM worker at the Yale Center for British Art in New Haven, CT. IPM involves minimizing the presence of pests and the damage they cause, with a strong focus on the use of holistic, environmentally-safe methods instead of pesticides. In addition to explaining how IPM is implemented in an art museum, this presentation will also cover how we collect insects, what pests are most common, and what the most importance aspects of IPM work are. Through this presentation, the audience will be encouraged to think about what components are crucial to effective implementation of IPM, and what our responsibility is to take care of the environment in an age of global climate change.
Lauren Guz (University of Michigan)
Statelessness refers to the condition of not belonging to a nation. It is estimated that there are around 100,000,000 stateless people worldwide. In this world bound by nation-states, there is no one more vulnerable than someone who has been left nation-less. There are mainly 5 reasons for statelessness around the world, from ethnic strife and sexual discrimination to legal blind spots. Statelessness occurs overwhelmingly more in “citizenship by blood” countries, than in countries who grant citizenship based on birthplace. In order to fight statelessness it is necessary to treat statelessness as a special case and either a.) grant stateless people citizenship based on birthplace, even in a citizenship by blood country or b.) relax requirements for becoming a naturalized citizen for the stateless.
Sarah Herendeen (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
In this presentation I will analyze the depiction of gender in adventure picture books by looking at seven books that are popular with Japanese kids. Picture books are often children’s first encounter with gender roles, so they have a strong influence in developing a child’s understanding of gender roles. Previous research on this topic has focused largely on gender stereotypes for female main characters in picture books and the books that broke those stereotypes. However, there hasn’t been much research on stories with a male main character from that same perspective. Therefore, in this presentation I will analyze both adventure picture books with female main characters as well as those with male main characters, and while keeping the observations of previous researchers in mind, I will consider the strengths and weaknesses of how each one breaks gender stereotypes.
Shuting Huang (Emory University)
Japanese learners, especially those who are not from the East Asian cultural sphere where Kanji, the Chinese characters is or used to be the common writing system, probably have a mixed feeling of love and hatred toward Kanji. On the one hand, Kanji allows its users to produce words and communicate more efficiently than other writing systems such as alphabet allows as each Kanji is a semantic unit while each alphabet is a phonetic unit. On the other hand, the difficulty of acquiring Kanji lies in its complex structure and various pronunciation. For these reasons, the acquisition of Kanji is considered to be one of the most challenging parts of learning Japanese. After the Second World War, as a response to discussions on the Japanese writing system, the Japanese Ministry of Education made Tōyō Kanji (later modified as Jōyō Kanji), a guideline to regular-use Chinese characters and their readings. Furthermore, starting from the 1980s when Japanese society entered the information society, computers, smartphones as well as other information devices started to influence people’s writing habits. In this presentation, I will give my insights on the future of Kanji by taking account of the history of the Jōyō Kanji as well as the positioning of kanji in this information society.
Lyndon Ji (University of Michigan)
Until the late 19th/early 20th century, musical improvisation was considered an invaluable skill in the Western art music tradition, playing an important role in almost every performance. Despite this, in what is now known as “Classical music,” there are nearly no vestiges of improvisatory practice to be found. What could have caused this puzzling disappearance of a once universal form of musical expression? In this presentation, pedagogical and social changes, in particular the proliferation of the conservatory system and rise of the middle class, will be discussed as prominent factors contributing to this decline. In addition, we will examine the role of and attitude toward improvisation in modern performance practice.
Iris Kim (Columbia University)
Pregnancy, while bringing about changes in the body, gives birth to new life and transitions one to becoming a “mother” through the process. In this sense, pregnancy can be considered as not only creating the bond between mother and child, but also as forming the basis for intimate connections in human relationships. Yoko Ogawa’s “The Pregnancy Diary,” however, depicts pregnancy from an uncanny distance, examining and even experimenting with the elder sister’s pregnancy as though in a laboratory. In this presentation, I examine how details surrounding the sister’s pregnancy, including food, customary greetings, and the fetus are defamiliarized in the short story, making the reader revisit the phenomenon of pregnancy through a focus on the effects of the myriad of changing and momentary sensations on the body.
Jinsung Kim (University of British Columbia)
In 1881, the Korean government dispatched the Korean Couriers’ Observation Mission (Chōsisisetudan: 朝士視察団) to Japan in order to inspect the political and legal system in modern Japan. This mission team, also known as the Korean version of the Iwakura Mission, had a great impact on the reform policies of the Korean government afterward. This presentation aims to investigate political and diplomatic backgrounds of dispatching Chōsisisetudan and their inspection of Japanese military facilities. In addition, I will analyze the inspection in terms of military exchange between Japan and Korea in the modern period in order to overcome conventional wisdom which has emphasized negative aspects, such as invasion and exploitation of Korea by Japan.
Sabrina Lau (University of Tokyo)
In recent years, growing consumer health awareness has led to an increased use of functional foods. The global functional food market has been growing and is expected to continue doing so. How has Japan, touted as the birthplace of functional foods, come to develop its functional food industry? As the world’s pioneer in functional food development, what lessons can Japan offer regarding the governance and regulation of functional foods? This speech will attempt to provide an overview of these topics, along with prospects for the industry and suggestions for the improved governance of functional foods.
Sulwyn Lim (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Over the last few years, Japan’s fascination with bubble tea (or “tapioka” as locals are wont to call it) has been undeniable. In late 2019, bubble tea shops were opening as quickly as 1 new store per week in Japan according to estimates. To date, over 100 bubble tea brands have made their mark in this country. In this short presentation, the origins of bubble tea and its subsequent foray(s) into Japan are explored. Fun fact: it took over 15 years and 3 waves of market entries before bubble tea secured a firm footing in the Japanese market. And last but not least, a few thoughts on the question “Is the bubble tea boom over?”.
Shaoyu Liu (Barnard College)
This presentation focuses on the work and life of abstract photographer Eiko Yamazawa, and how her experiences have shaped her unique method of abstract photographic expression. As seen from her study abroad in America in the early 20th century, and later establishing multiple photography studios in Japan, Yamazawa enjoyed an illustrious career and commercial success. Her relationship with the United States and her experimentation with photographic abstraction establishes her role as a pioneering woman in Japanese photography. However, despite her unique position, Yamazawa is not very well known. Undoubtedly, one of those reasons is due to her pursuing a career as a woman in a primarily male-dominated field. From Yamazawa’s career, we can also gain some insight into the history of women’s independence in Japan. Using her photographs and interviews as references, and comparing her work with other artists of the time, this presentation explores Eiko Yamazawa’s position as a pioneering female photographer.
Lissette Lorenz (Cornell University)
From WWII through the 2011 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and beyond, the following international issue has once again resurfaced: why do nuclear technologies (including nuclear weapons and nuclear power generation) continue to have such a strong influence on US-Japan relations? In order to tackle this question, I introduce the phenomena of nuclear pilgrimages. Similar to the way a pilgrim visits sites they find sacred, a nuclear pilgrimage is the act of traveling to sites related to the nuclear age. I will present findings from my own 2018 pilgrimage experience.
Shatrunjay Mall (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
In the aftermath of the Meiji Restoration, the relationship between a modernizing Japan and continental Asia became a topic of much discussion and argument in Japanese political and intellectual circles. The main topic of this debate, which lasted from the end of the nineteenth century through the first half of the twentieth century, was whether Japan should attempt to escape Asia, or whether it should attempt to free Asia. These debates had a major impact on the Japanese Empire. However, amidst these discussions, Japan’s 1905 victory in the Russo-Japanese War sent shockwaves throughout colonized parts of Asia, and even strengthened their independence movements and anti-colonial sentiments. Indeed, Japan’s victory became a symbol of a newly resurgent Asia. From the early twentieth century until the end of World War II, a unique relationship thus emerged between an expansionist Japanese Empire and anti-colonial independence movements in various parts of Asia. The basis of this unique connection was Pan-Asianist thought. Scholarship until now has emphasized the universalism of India’s anti-colonialism and not fully analyzed the ambiguity of the relationship between Indian anti-colonialism and Japanese imperialism in Asia. Through focusing on the life and writings of Rash Behari Bose, an Indian anti-colonial political activist who settled in Japan, the purpose of this research and presentation is to contribute to a deeper understanding of Japan-India relations during this period.
Brooke McCallum (University of Southern California)
Through the early works of Nakazawa Keiji, this presentation will consider the relationship between individual subjectivity and the arts. Analyzing the characters and content of "Barefoot Gen" and "Okinawa", respectively, we recognize Nakazawa's empathy for the people of Okinawa and their situation prior to the Reversion Agreement of 1971, based upon his own experience of the bombing of Hiroshima. Conversely, prejudice can also be gleaned from his depiction of the region, leading us to recognize this pair of works as representative of the problems of subjectivity in art and the fears of ethnic erasure that occur when one writes in the place of the Other, in the shadow of one’s own background and biases.
Nicholas McCullough (California State University, Monterey Bay)
This presentation will introduce a number of lifestyle choices, habits, and phenomena that greatly affect the quality of ones sleep, as well as possible ways of rectifying one’s sleeping in relation to the areas. To give one relevant example, light plays an essential role in maintain the body’s internal clock, also known as the “circadian rhythm”, and when and how much exposure of light one receives throughout the day can ultimately disrupt one’s sleep cycle. It should go without saying that how one’s body adapts and responds to one’s environment, and how that affects the quality of one’s sleeping is dependent on one’s individual body constitution among a number of other factors. With this in mind, the cases brought up in this presentation will be those that the most amount of people will have some level of familiarity with the intention of being information that can be immediately put into practice.
James McDonough (University of Michigan)
In this presentation, I briefly introduce the development process of the railways in Meiji-era Japan, particularly the role that the railways had in molding the image of Japan as a modern nation. The leaders of the Meiji government tried to connect the image of the Emperor with the newly arrived railroad from the West, and thus give form to the image that Japan was modernizing. Specifically, Emperor Meiji participated in the opening ceremonies of new railway lines and used the railroad for imperial trips. In addition, western-style stations and imperial train cars were built. With this presentation I will explain the utilization of the railroad from the opening of the country to the death of the Emperor Meiji, consider what kind of relationship existed between Emperor Meiji and the railroad, and consider what kind of influence this relationship had on the creation of the image of Japan
Trevor Menders (Columbia University)
本発表では、明治政府の官僚、蜷川式胤を紹介し、彼の1876年から1879年にかけて出版された『観古図説』の日本美術史における位置づけを検討する。蜷川の官僚としての美術史学的活動を追いながら、『観古図説』の第一巻「陶器の部 一」を中心に、『観古図説』の内容と文学的、美術史的な特徴を紹介し、当時の他の美術に関わる出版物との差異や後代の美術史学への影響にも触れる。
This presentation introduces the Meiji period bureaucrat Ninagawa Noritane and offers a placement of his volume Kanko zusetsu (“An Illustrated Discourse on Antiquity”), serialized between 1876 and 1879, in the larger flow of modern Japanese art history. After delving into Ninagawa’s art historical activity as an employee of the Meiji government, the presentation assesses the content of the first volume of the Kanko zusetsu, Tōki no bu ichi (“Ceramics, Part I”), before contrasting it to other publications of the period and elaborating its influence on later publications in the same field.
Adrian Morales (University of Michigan)
Japanese tattooing is regarded in the tattoo world as one of the highest forms of the art. However, in Japan, Japanese traditional tattooing continues to suffer from a deeply rooted sociocultural stigma. In the present, this stigma is based largely on its association with Japanese criminal gangs—the yakuza. This presentation will first focus on the historic and cultural background that stigmatizes tattoos and tattooing. With an understanding of this context, we will move onto the various forms of discrimination and prejudice resulting from stigma. Finally, this presentation aims to suggest solutions on how to combat the reproduction of stigma within society.
Sara Newsome (University of California, Irvine)
In order to raise social awareness for the plight of Minamata Disease victims and their families, Ishimure Michiko wrote works such as the novel Paradise in the Sea of Sorrow and the modern Noh play Shiranui. In Paradise in the Sea of Sorrow, Ishimure uses a variety of materials and she also writes in several genres, such as the novel and modern Noh, to appeal to Japanese society for the justice of Minamata Disease victims. While parts of Paradise in the Sea of Sorrow are widely considered to be non-fiction, the truth is that it is a literary creation of fiction by Ishimure. However, those parts are fiction that reveals facts, and Ishimure does in fact also use non-fictional sources. Along with this, this variety of sources deals not only with the plight of the victims of Minamata Disease but also with the womens’ and workers’ rights movements. In this way, by using a variety of sources, each reader is able to find an aspect that appeals to their sympathies.
Dylan Plung (University of Washington)
In 1943 “Japanese Village,” a full-sized replica of Japanese urban housing district, was constructed in the middle of the Utah desert at the Dugway Proving Ground military facility. Through a detailed analysis of the construction and military testing at “Japanese Village” we can understand the evolution of historical U.S. bombing strategy. In this presentation, I will use this relatively unknown history as background to discuss how the U.S. Army Air Forces rationalized the transition from precision to indiscriminate bombing strategy, research and development of new incendiary weaponry, and treating Japanese civilians across Japan as valid military targets.
Katherine Reilly (The Fletcher School, Tufts University)
Though China’s Digital Silk Road aims to support the development of digital infrastructure in countries throughout the world, the spread of this technology comes with risks to global security. Alongside internet cables and other telecommunications infrastructure, China hopes to export its surveillance and censorship technology. In this presentation, I will introduce which countries are most likely to join this initiative and discuss how through the possible spread of surveillance and censorship technology, this initiative could affect not just data security, but also have consequences for global freedom of speech.
Drew Richardson (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Folklorist, biologist, and lover of slime-mold, Minakata Kumagusu is best known for his subversive writings in the nascent fields of sexology, environmentalism, and folklore studies. By examining Minakata’s over 350 English language articles submitted to the journals of Nature and Notes & Queries, this talk argues that the synergy between Notes & Queries and Minakata – between form and content – pushed Minakata beyond subversion and towards international collaboration.
Sean Rodan (Yale University)
Due to the "Kirishitan" Ban of the Tokugawa shogunate, many Japanese Christians were forced to abandon their faith or face execution in the 17th century. However, a number of them were able to conceal their faith and pass it on through the end of the shogunate in the 19th century. Religious studies scholar Yukihiro Ohashi has offered two explanations for this phenomenon. One is that the Christians who concealed the faith were not perceived as "Kirishitan" by the shogunate, and the other is that the Christians chose to prioritize their roles as members of their respective villages. In this presentation, I would like to examine these two explanations.
Cassie Rodriguez (Princeton University)
This presentation offers a brief introduction into the development of Japanese security policies, with a particular emphasis on how the positions of both the United States and China shape the formation of Japanese security strategy. The United States remains the world’s pre-eminent power, but it is not difficult to see the beginnings of a shift towards a multipolar world. Among many countries, but particularly between the United States and China, there is an emerging global competition for influence which has contributed to the destabilization of East Asia. The relative decline in the United States’ influence, combined with the Trump administration’s rejection of the United States’ global role and the simultaneous continued rise of China has given Japan the unique opportunity to execute foreign policy on a higher level. This presentation seeks to briefly evaluate how Japan formulates security policy, how the balance of power in East Asia is shifting, and how the positions of the United States and China continue to influence Japanese strategists. In order to conduct this analysis, special attention is paid to the historical foundation of security in Japan, with particular emphasis on the United States-centered security apparatus set in place following World War II.
Danielle Rymers (The Ohio State University)
現在のコロナウイルスの状況を見ればよくわかるが、教育のためにオンライン、バーチャルの教育方法が重要になった。ウイルスのせいでコンピュータしか使えなくなったが、通常の対面授業に戻ってもバーチャルな方法はまだ必要だろうか。テクノロジーに強い現在の子供たちに、これからどんな教育をするべきだろうか。ゲームの要素を様々な目的に応用する「ゲーミフィケーション」という方法が最近注目されている。今日は、その一つの方法であるビデオゲームで言語を教える方法を、『あつまれ どうぶつの森』というビデオゲームを例として挙げながら説明する。ビデオゲームでも、対面授業で活用し言語を教えられる可能性があるのだ。
It is probably easy to see given the current situation due to the Coronavirus, but virtual means of education have become more important than ever. The virus has made it so that education cannot happen except via computers, but even when we return to school classrooms virtual methods of education remain valuable tools. Students today are more technologically literate than ever, so we need to think about what kinds of education methods we should use to better help students succeed. Methods such as “Gamification,” or using game components for various learning goals, have recently become quite popular. Today, I would like to discuss one such method using the video game, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and how the game can be used to teach language. Even though this is a video game, this method has the potential to be used with everyday classroom teaching and learning as well.
Stephanie Santschi (University of Zurich)
In what language should the museum captions be written? Texts in exhibitions have a limited number of characters with which they can communicate exhibition content to visitors. In the case of multilingual exhibitions, such texts can easily become too long to read. Therefore, in the case of Switzerland which has 4 official languages, the exhibition focuses on how the Ukiyo-e exhibition deal with the integration of Japanese into a multilingual environment. Through this, the presentation investigates whether the linguistic background of visitors influences the language selection by the museum. Next, in the Japanese example, the presentation looks at which exhibitions are most popular with Japanese and foreigners to see how the museum's linguistic setup has an impact on the popularity ranking by each visitor group. Based on these two examples, we will finally discuss whether curators have language-neutral ways to convey information about their exhibitions.
Amanda Schiano di Cola (University of Washington)
Role Language is defined as the particular language used by a certain character. For native speakers of Japanese, Role Language calls to mind specific characters, such as a “Rōjin” (elderly person) or an Ojōsama” (young lady). Since Role Language is often used in the “virtual” or “fictional” world, it is considered removed from modern Japanese. In this presentation, I will explain how Role Language exists in the “real world” by examining the evolution of women’s language from the Meiji era. I will also discuss the importance of role words in Japanese language education, from the standpoint that learners of Japanese need to understand not only the "informational function" but also the "symbolic function" of the target language.
Tong Shen (University of Colorado at Boulder)
In recent years, Virtual Youtuber, which originates in Japan, has became famous in many countries around the world. These Vtubers are using virtual avatar for their performances as well as many other new technologies, such as Virtual Reality or Live2D. In other words, the prevalence of Vtuber also marks a new age of modern technologies. Nevertheless, while Virtual Youtuber being a relatively new industry, Vtubers must face many complicated problems that no one has ever experienced. And more importantly, there is a very unpredictable future waiting for them to explore.
Samee Siddiqui (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Although it is not widely known, various intellectuals in Japan became interested in Islam after the Meiji Restoration and the “opening” of Japan in 1868. Although most Japanese intellectuals, reformers, and bureaucrats looked towards the West, it is important to note that there were some Japanese figures who had begun to study about Asian religions and history. In general, the research on the relationship between Japan and Islam prior to the end of the Second World War has focused on the Japanese Empire’s "Islam Policy" during the Second World War. Although it is true that the Japanese Empire attempted to use Islam as a strategic tool in their wartime policy, Japanese Empire’s geopolitical ambitions do not account for the whole picture of the historical relationship between Japan and Islam. For instance, Noda Shotaro became the first Japanese Muslim in 1890 after spending time in Istanbul while working for the Ottoman Empire. However, Noda, who was the first Japanese Muslim, left no research or publication on Islam. Tanaka Ippei and Ariga Bunbachiro not only converted to Islam, but also wrote important works describing the relationship between Islam and Shintoism. Moreover, according to Tanaka and Ariga, it was possible for there to be a fusion between Islam and Shintoism. By tracing the lives of people like Tanaka Ippei and Ariga Bunhachiro, we can more clearly understand that the relationship between Japan and Islam was not just geopolitical, but also about religion and ideology.
Maria Slautina (New York University)
While the concept of the “international art exhibition” initially originated in the West, numerous current Art Biennale and Triennale all over the world have engaged in redefining the format and purpose of such shows, and the region of East Asia is no exception. In this presentation, I would like to showcase one such example, the Setouchi Triennale held in the region of Setouchi Inner Sea in Japan since 2010. I will talk about its organization and objectives and will present some of the works that were part of its iteration in 2019.
Matthew Steinhauer (Northern Kentucky University)
Language Learning, despite all the accessibility it has achieved through the internet and globalization, ultimately still must overcome many economic constraints. Lower-income language learners may find that the road they wish to travel was not built for their economic means. Virtual Reality is showing profound promise in bridging the gap between language learners and their goals, creating opportunities for students from all economic backgrounds.
Kathryn Stephens (Washington University in St. Louis)
Debuting at seventeen years old with Natsu to hanabi to watashi no shitai (Summer, Fireworks and My Corpse, 1996), Otsu Ichi (1978-) is a popular contemporary Japanese writer of horror and mystery stories. In this presentation, I will examine an overarching theme of alienation that appears across several of his works, including the aforementioned debut novel and short stories from the collections Zoo and Goth. Feelings of physical separation occur in his frequent usage of bodies and body parts in square objects as well as in uncomfortable feelings his human characters feel in the presence of sprawling, unforgiving nature. Many of Otsu Ichi’s characters also experience isolation (mental and emotional alienation) from their families, and when a story showcases a killer’s point of view, Otsu Ichi highlights these killers’ alienation from regular society, which may or may not be their own fault, with one aim being to create mixed feelings or sympathy in the reader. Finally, I will explore how Otsu Ichi manipulates readers’ preconceptions in order to create suspense, not only shocking the reader but also causing readers to question—and ultimately feel a sense of alienation from—these preconceptions, especially vis-à-vis what constitutes “normal.”
Emily Tony (University of Michigan)
Japan is currently experiencing a rapidly declining birth rate. To solve this problem, the government has enacted policies that support childrearing and an increase in immigrant workers. However, this has not been effective because lack of support for childrearing is not the main cause of birth rate decline and large-scale immigration is opposed by the majority of the population as well as the government itself. In this presentation, I argue that the increase of young people declining marriage is the primary factor behind population decline. I claim that this is due to traditional family values that don’t align with present-day society. While it is difficult to change these values, I believe tax reform is one possible method of creating a more marriage-friendly environment.
Benjamin Villar (Stanford University)
Amongst horror manga artists, Ito Junji is one of the most prominent due to his unique style and approach to horror. In many of Ito’s works, one can find moral and ethical quandaries, social criticisms, and the complexities of human relations. And while many horror manga artists attempt to create a world devoid of morality, Ito attempts to place spotlight on morality and force the reader to confront the stories moral conundrums at the same time as the protagonist. This allows the reader to judge the boundary between good and bad deeds and attempt to understand the complexities of morality when placed in both dangerous and extreme situations. Through the analyses of Ito’s works, we can begin to understand how the horror genre can be used to understand and explore social and societal issues.
Fanglin Wang (Georgetown University)
Hahamono films focus on the characterization of mother figures and their sentimentality they expressed through the film. While researches on hahamono films have been focused on actresses and movies, there is a lack of study on director Kinoshita Keisuke’s films in the hahamono genre. Through an analysis on director Kinoshita’s Twenty-Four Eyes (1954) in accompanying with the political situation during wartime, this presentation demonstrates tropes of mother figures’ suffering and how they reflect Japan’s war trauma through a demonstration of victimhood. Without any justification for WWII, Kinoshita portrays Shodoshima as a representation of Japan. Given that every Japanese citizen is compelled to follow the same governmental order, they come to represent uniform, Japanese masses: a single image of suffering, representing the Japanese national identity. What is more, the mother figures’ suffering is representative of this misery of the Japanese masses. In this context, then, Japan also becomes blameless--a victim of government officials’ deceptions.
Yue Wang (University of British Columbia)
Murata Sayaka’s 2015 novel Dwindling Novel grapples with sex, gender, sexuality, and the family system in a society where, due to the popularization of artificial insemination, heterosexual intercourse has become a taboo. While this planned society may seem to be a dystopia with tight restrictions on sexual intercourse, it also bears a eutopian perspective of liberating women from the gendered pressure to marry and have children. By disassembling and reconstructing existing norms regarding sex, gender, pregnancy, and childbirth, Murata encourages her readers to question their beliefs, thus presenting a subversive force against social establishments.
Ziyan Wang (Bard College)
In this presentation, through looking at Kuroda’s Morning Toilette, its viewing contexts, and the critical discourses surrounding it, I examine the meanings and values that were produced by and projected onto the idea of the nude during the Meiji period. Morning Toilette was exhibited at the Fourth National Industrial Exhibition in Kyoto and caused a scandal. Facing criticisms that deemed Morning Toilette the same as shunga, Kuroda defended his work, and argued that the genre of nude painting was necessary for the development of Japanese art. I further argue that at this time, the genre of nude painting was imagined to have the capacity to embody Meiji Japan’s successful progress into “civilization”. Thus, unlike the nude paintings in the European artistic traditions, Kuroda’s nude took on a nationalist set of meanings within the larger historical contexts of Meiji modernization and nationalism.
James Worsham (Baylor University)
Homes with no legal resident are known as Akiya in Japan. Social trends and problems in the country have caused the number of such houses to rise since the mid-20th century to a considerable amount. In addition, the conditions of the real estate system and market have made many such houses highly difficult to sell. Some buyers, seeking a spacious garden or historic construction, purposefully seek out such Akiya and enjoy the benefit of a cheaper purchase price, but the process of buying such a house is difficult to say the least. Cases exist of a house being sold for zero yen. Still, the burdens of tax and renovation are considerable, but worthwhile for these buyers. In this presentation, the points at issue of the Akiya problem and an example of a recently purchased Akiya will be discussed.
Qin Yang (Yale University)
Since the 1890s, the Silk Road witnessed the coming and going of many foreign archeological expeditions for about half of a century. Among them, the First Ōtani Expedition, which departed London in the year 1902, was probably the least studied in the English literature. Why would Ōtani Kōzui, the Pure Land Buddhist abbot of Nishi Honganji, lead an expedition to the Silk Road? How were the expedition’s activities understood or misunderstood by imperial powers vying for Chinese Turkestan? In order to answer these questions, primary sources from contemporaneous English, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese responses are examined to shed light on different perceptions of the First Ōtani Expedition in comparison with its self-proclaimed mission.
Yumin Yang (Duke University)
Tsushima Yuko’s Exceedingly Barbaric is a complicated novel narrating the lives of two women. One is Lily, a woman who travels to Taiwan in the summer of 2005 to alleviating her sorrow of losing a child. And the other is Miicha, Lily’s aunt, a colonial housewife who also loses her child and lives a miserable life in Taihoku. Through organizing and editing Miicha’s diaries, letters and Lily’s travelogue, the novel shows the commonalities between these two women’s life stories to readers. This presentation analyzes the important male characters of this novel, namely Mona Rudao who is the Atayal chieftain of the Musha Rebellion and Mr. Yang, a Taiwanese man who accompanies Lily on her travels, and discusses the constructive role they play in assisting women characters’ reconciliation with the past. The two male characters provides love and power to Lily and Miicha, thereby building a new intimate colonial relationship. In addition to the characters’ personal experiences, the novel also suggests the possibility of seeing the memory of the colony from a new perspective.
Penny Yeung (Rutgers University)
This presentation discusses the striking narrative style of Tawada Yoko’s Memoirs of a Polar Bear in relation to modernist thought and aesthetics. Depicting three generations of polar bears who are cared for by humans, the novel follows the changes in the bears’ abilities to speak, write, and move freely in space. By representing “nature” as a discourse that shifts in accordance to the political context, the novel unsettles the modernist presumption of an organic link between language and identity. Further, different from previous literary works featuring animal protagonists, the nebulous narrative “I” of Memoirs, which wavers in between the human and the animal, diverges from the aesthetic of interiority linked to the emergence of modern subjecthood.
Zilin Zhou (University of British Columbia)
According to Katherine Hayles, posthuman theory views humans as hybrid beings. This concept of the human maintains that there is no absolute boundary between the physical and the simulated, and that organic human bodies are gradually merging with machines. Nemura, Naomi connects this concept to the players of videogames, further pointing out that the composite self emerging from video games can lead to resistance towards established social structures. Based on these theories, this presentation seeks to clarify how resistance is depicted and encouraged through the video game medium. Through the video game Nier:Automata, focusing on a section of the game where the protagonist must escape from a fanatical cult, I will examine how the fear and destruction brought on by blind faith can be connected to the possibility of resistance.