General Information

the original doorplate

Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies (IUC) offers an intensive program of training each year in spoken and written Japanese at the intermediate and advanced level to a group of budding scholars in Japanese studies and students planning Japan-related professional careers. The program is designed to bring all participants to a level of proficiency sufficient to pursue their academic or professional goals.

IUC was originally established in Tokyo, Japan by Stanford University in 1961. Since 1963, it has been administered by a consortium of American and Canadian universities that have strong graduate programs in Japanese Studies and there are currently fifteen American universities. It is located in Minato Mirai 21 district on new urban downtown center along the waterfront of Yokohama, Japan.

Over sixty years, IUC has been dedicated to providing Japanese language education at the advanced level to outstanding students with academic or professional career goals related to Japan. Approximately students have completed the program, and many of them occupy positions of leadership in their respective disciplines and professions.

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Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies